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Paré A (1575)
1575 Les oeuvres de M. Ambroise Paré conseiller, et premier chirurgien du Roy avec les figures & portraicts tant de l'Anatomie que des instruments de Chirurgie, & de plusieurs Monstres. [The works of M. Ambroise Paré, advisor, and first surgeon to the King, with figures and portraits concerning anatomy as well as surgical instruments, and several monsters] Paris: Gabriel Buon.


Van Helmont JB (1648)
Ortus medicinæ: Id est Initia physicæ inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam [The dawn of medicine: That is, the beginning of a new Physic. A new advance in medicine, a victory over disease, to (promote) a long life]. Amsterodami: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, pp 526-527.


Starkey G (1657)
Natures explication and Helmont’s vindication…Or A short and sure way to a long and sound life. London: printed by E. Cotes for Thomas Alsop at the two Sugar-loaves over against St. Antholins Church at the lower end of Watling Street.


Wiseman R (1676)
Eight chirugical treatises. London: R Royston, p 123.


Massey I (1723)
A short and plain account of inoculation. With some remarks on the main argument made use of to recommend that practice, by Mr. Maitland and others. To which is added, a letter to the learned James Jurin, M.D.R.S. Secr. Col. Reg. Med. Lond. Soc. London: W. Meadows.


Lind J (1753)
A treatise of the scurvy. In three parts. Containing an inquiry into the nature, causes and cure, of that disease. Together with a critical and chronological view of what has been published on the subject. Edinburgh: Printed by Sands, Murray and Cochran for A Kincaid and A Donaldson.


Mesmer FA (1781)
Précis historique des faits relatifs au magnétisme animal jusques en avril 1781. Par M. Mesmer, Docteur en Médecine de la Faculté de Vienne. Ouvrage traduit de l'Allemand [Historical account of facts relating to animal magnetism up to April 1781. By M. Mesmer, Doctor in Medicine of the Vienna Faculty. Work translated from German]. A Londres [false imprint, probably Paris.] pp. 111-114; 182.


Parry CH (1786)
Experiments relative to the medical effects of Turkey Rhubarb, and of the English Rhubarbs, No. I and No. II made on patients of the Pauper Charity. Letters and Papers of the Bath Society 11:431-453.


Haygarth J (1800)
Of the imagination, as a cause and as a cure of disorders of the body: exemplified by fictitious tractors, and epidemical convulsions. Bath: R. Crutwell.


Lesassier Hamilton A (1816)
Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis De Synocho Castrensi [Inaugural medical dissertation on camp fever]. Edinburgh: J Ballantyne.


Löhner G, on behalf of a Society of truth-loving men (1835)
Die Homoöopathischen Kochsalzversuche zu Nürnberg [The homeopathic salt trials in Nurnberg]. Nürnberg in März.


Tessier JP (1852)
De la médication homoeopathique [On homoeopathic medication]. Paris: JB Ballière.


Balfour TG (1854)
Quoted in West C. Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, p 600.


Thompson T (1859)
Observations on the administration of ozonized oils. Medical and Chirurgical Transactions 42:349-360.


Semmelweis I (1861)
Die Aetiologie, der Begriff und die Prophylaxis des Kindbettfiebers. [The etiology, concept, and prophylaxis of childbed fever]. Budapest and Vienna; Hartleben.


Wanscher O (1877)
Om Diphteritis og Croup - særligt med hensyn til Tracheostomien ved samme. [On diphtheria and croup - especially regarding tracheostomy in this condition]. Disputats [Thesis]. Jacob Lund: Kjøbenhavn, p 67-68.


Keith T (1878)
Results of ovariotomy before and after antiseptics. BMJ 2;590-593. doi:10.1136/bmj.2.929.590.


Hill B (1879)
Clinical lectures on stricture of the urethra. BMJ 2:883-886.


Storke EF, Martin R, Rosenkrans EM, Ford J, Schloemilch A, McDermott GC, Carlson OW (1880)
Final report of the Milwaukee test of the thirtieth dilution. Homoeopathic Times 7:12/280-1.


Pasteur L (1881)
Compte rendu sommaire des expériences rates á Pouilly-le-Fort, prés Melun, sur la vaccination charbonneuse [A summary account of experiences at Pouilly-le-Fort, near Mélun, on anthrax vaccination]. Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 92: 1378-1383.


Champneys FH (1881)
On artificial respiration in still born children. The amount of ventilation secured by different methods. An experimental enquiry. Medical and Chirurgical Transactions 64 :41-86.


Cook County Board of Commissioners (1882)
Proceedings, 1881-1882. Chicago, Illinois, 222-223.


Fry HD (1887)
The value of the antiseptic method in obstetric practice and its application to the forceps operation. JAMA 8:388-390.


Boxall, cited in Williams J (1888)
On the effect of ergot on the involution of the uterus. BMJ 1:229.


Phillips J (1890)
On the analgesic value of antipyrin intra - and post - partum. Lancet 2:605-607.


Roux E, Martin L, Chaillou A (1894)
Trois cent cas de diphthérie traité par le serum antidiphthérique. Annales de l’Institut Pasteur 8:640-661.


Webster Fox L (1894)
Immediate capsulotomy following the removal of cataract. JAMA 22:837-39.


Priestley J (1895)
On the value of eucalyptus oil as a disinfectant in scarlet fever. Lancet 1:861-863.


Winters JE (1896)
Clinical observations upon the use of antitoxin in diphtheria: A report of personal investigation of this treatment in the principal fever hospitals of Europe during the summer of 1895. Medical Record 49:877-893.


Brown EH (1896)
Cholera and its treatment by preventive inoculation in the Darbhanga Jail. Indian Medical Gazette, July, 247-250.


Fibiger J (1898)
Om serumbehandling af difteri [On treatment of diphtheria with serum]. Hospitalstidende 6:309-325.


Langton J (1899)
A discussion on the treatment of hernia in children. BMJ 2:470-472.


Clemow (1899)
Yersin serum treatment of plague. BMJ 1:48.


Anonymous (1899)
Echoes and news: the chlorine treatment of diphtheria. Medical News 74:403.


Williams FH (1899)
Scarlatina. Reports of societies. Boston Medical And Surgical Journal 141:348.


Maitland CB (1900)
Methylene blue in malarial fever. BMJ 2:532-533.


Celli A (1900)
La nuova profilassi della malaria nel Lazio [The new prophylaxis against malaria in Lazio]. Supplemento al Policlinico 6:1601-1606.


Celli A (1900)
The new prophylaxis against malaria in Lazio. Lancet 156; 4031:1603-1606.


Park WH (1900)
The quantity of diphtheria antitoxin required in the treatment of diphtheria. Archives of Paediatrics 17:823-827.


Park WH (1900)
Use of diphtheria antitoxin in the treatment and prevention of diphtheria. JAMA 34: 902-904.


Choksy NH (1900)
Professor Lustig’s plague serum. Lancet 2:291-292.


Haffkine WM (1900)
On preventive inoculation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 65:252-271.


Lustig A, Galeotti G (1901)
The prophylactic and curative treatment of plague. BMJ 1:206-208.


Indian Plague Commission (1902)
Serum therapeutics. Investigations conducted by the commissioners. BMJ 1:1159-1160.


Fehling H (1903)
Zur Prophylaxe und Therapie des Puerperalfiebers [On the prophylaxis and treatment of puerperal fever]. Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 18 Aug.


Waters EE (1903)
Malaria as seen in the Andamans penal settlement. Lancet 1:1657-62.


Polverini G (1903)
Serumtherapie gegen Beulenpest Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 50:649-651.


Celli A (1903)
La malaria in Italia durante il 1902. Parte II: Profilassi della malaria. [Malaria in Italy in 1902. Part II: Prophylaxis of Malaria]. Annali di Igiene Sperimentale 13:322-343.


Cousin M (1905)
Des éruptions consecutives aux injections de sérum antidiphthérique et de leur traitement prophylactique par l’ingestion de clorure de calcium. Thèse pour le Doctorat en médicine. Paris : Jules Rousset, 36-44.


Haffkine WM (1905)
Report on a series of 484 cases of plague treated with Lustig’s anti-plague serum. In: Bannerman WB, ed. Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 27-36.


Haffkine WM, Costello CT (1905)
Report on a series of 110 cases of plague treated with Terni’s anti-plague serum. In: Bannerman WB, ed. Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 37-46.


Haffkine WM, West WG (1905)
Report on a series of 70 cases of plague treated with Brazil’s anti-plague serum. In: Bannerman WB, ed. Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 47-59.


West WG (1905)
Report on a series of 68 cases of plague treated with Roux’ anti-plague serum. In: Bannerman WB, ed. Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 60-7


Cushny AR, Peebles AR (1905)
The action of optical isomers. II. Hyoscines. J Physiology 32:501-510.


Netter A (1906)
Efficacité de l’ingestion de chlorure de calcium comme moyen préventif des éruptions consecutives aux injections de sérum [Effect of the ingestion of calcium chloride for preventing eruptions following serum injections]. Séances et Mémoires de la Société de Biologie 58:279-280.


Fletcher W (1907)
Rice and beri-beri: preliminary report on an experiment conducted in the Kuala Lumpur Insane Asylum. Lancet 1:1776-1779.


Drake DJ (1907)
The treatment of dysentery by yellow santonine. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10:351-352.


Choksy NH (1908)
On recent progress in serum-therapy of plague. BMJ 1:1282-1284.


Gewin J (1908)
Chlorkalzium gegen die Serumkrankheit [Calcium chloride against serum sickness]. Muenchener Medizinische Wochenshcrift 50:2670-2671.


Rivers WHR (1908)
The influence of alcohol and other drugs on fatigue. London: Edward Arnold.


Döderlein D (1910)
The origin and prevention of puerperal fever. BMJ 2:1222-24.


Freeman J (1910)
Vaccine therapy. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 3:97-101.


Jansen H (1910)
Behandling med Radiumemanation særlig ved gigtiske Lidelser [Treatment with radium emanation especially with rheumatic diseases]. Ugeskrift for Læger 72:1333-48.


Freeman RG (1912)
Serum treatment of pneumonia. JAMA 59:140.


Advisory Committee on Plague Investigations in India (1912)
The serum treatment of human plague. Journal of Hygiene. Plague Supplement II, LVI:326-39.


Rosenow EC, Hektoen L (1913)
Treatment of pneumonia with partially autolyzed pneumococci. JAMA 61:2203-4.


Hewlett AW (1913)
Clinical effects of “natural” and “synthetic” sodium salicylate. JAMA 61:319-321.


Carver AE (1914)
Pneumosan in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Lancet 2:372-373.


Wright AE, Morgan WP, Colebrook L, Dodgson RW (1914)
Observations on prophylactic inoculation against pneumococcus infections, and on the results which have been achieved by it. Lancet 1:87-95


Wright AE (1914)
On pharmaco-therapy and preventive inoculation applied to pneumonia in the African Native. London: Constable, p 84.


Baer JL (1915)
Scopolamin-morphin treatment in labor. JAMA 64:1723-1728.


Plass ED (1916)
Post partum care of perineum. Bulletin of Johns Hopkins Hospital 27:107-109.


Leake JP (1917)
Bacterial vaccine therapy. JAMA 69:631-632.


Von Sholly AI, Blum J, Smith L (1917)
The therapeutic value of pertussis vaccine in whooping cough. JAMA 68:1451-1456.


Sollmann T (1917)
The crucial test of therapeutic evidence. JAMA 69:198-199.


Kyes P (1918)
The treatment of lobar pneumonia with an anti-pneumococcus serum. Journal of Medical Research 38:495-501.


Bingel A (1918)
Über Behandlung der Diphtherie mit gewöhnlichem Pferdeserum [On the treatment of diphtheria with normal horse serum]. Deutsches Archiv für Klinische Medizin 125:284-332.


Avata AA, Woodyatt RT (1918)
Treatment of facial erysipelas at Camp Cody, N.M. JAMA 71:900-01.


McCoy GW, Murray VB, Teeter AL (1918)
The failure of a bacterial vaccine as a prophylactic against influenza. JAMA 71:1997.


Wiltshire HW (1918)
Note on the value of germinated beans in the treatment of scurvy, and some points in prophylaxis. Lancet 2:811-813.


Lees D (1919)
Detoxicated vaccines in the treatment of gonorrhœa: the value of the complement-deviation test in controlling the treatment and estimating its therapeutic effect. Lancet 1:1107-1111.


Leighton Kesteven H (1919)
A study of epidemic influenza in Australia. Lancet 2:1189-91.


Hinton WA, Kane ES (1919)
Use of influenza vaccine as a prophylactic – an experimental study conducted by the Massachusetts State Department of Health. Journal of the Tennessee State Medical Association 11:442-446.


Gray AW (1920)
Antipneumococcus serum (Kyes’s) in the treatment of pneumonia. American Journal of Medical Sciences 159:885-891.


Cecil RL, Larsen NP (1922)
Clinical and bacteriologic study of one thousand cases of lobar pneumonia. JAMA 79:343-349.


Johnston RA, Siddall RS (1922)
Is the usual method of preparing patients for delivery beneficial or necessary? American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 4:645-650.


Kopeloff N, Kirby GH (1923)
Focal infection and mental disease. American Journal of Psychiatry 3:149-197.


Oliver WW, Stoller EA (1925)
Notes on the therapeutic value of pneumococcus antibody solution subcutaneously administered in lobar pneumonia. Archives of Internal Medicine 35:267-286.


Moir JC (1925)
Comparison of the narcotic effects of the two hyoscines (scopolomaines). BMJ 2:514-515.


Fletcher W (1925)
The relative efficiency of quinine and quinidine in the treatment of malaria. In: Medical Research Council. Clinical comparisons of quinine and quinidine. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, pp 17-27.


Park WH (1925)
Scarlet fever: etiology, prevention by immunization, and antitoxic treatment. JAMA 85:1180-1186.


Diehl HS (1925)
Value of Chlorin in the treatment of colds. JAMA 84:1629-32.


Wagner-Jauregg J (1926)
Die moderne Therapie der Neurolues [On modern therapy for neurosyphilis]. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin. Achtundreissigster Kongress. München: Bergmann, p 34-62.


Mauel W (1926)
Ist das Omnadin bei kruppöser Pneumonie wirksam [Is Omnadin effective in pneumonia with croup]? Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 73:652.


Harries (1927)
Discussion on the serum treatment of scarlet fever. Proceedings of Royal Society of Medicine 20:1175–1176.


Symmers D, Lewis KM (1927)
The antitoxin treatment of erysipelas: observations in one hundred and thirty-one patients at Bellevue Hospital. JAMA 89:880-2.


Gordon E (1927)
Treatment of scarlet fever with streptococcus antitoxin. JAMA 88:382-5.


Harris KE (1927)
Series of cases of auricular fibrillation treated with quinidine sulphate. Heart 14:283-288.


Ferry NS, Gordon EJ, Munro FW, Steele AH, Fisher LW (1928)
Clinical results with measles streptococcus toxin and antitoxin. JAMA 91:1277-1280.


Cecil RL, Sutliff WD (1928)
The treatment of lobar pneumonia with concentrated anti-pneumococcus serum. JAMA 91:2036-2040.


Park WH, Bullowa JGM, Rosenbluth NM (1928)
The treatment of lobar pneumonia with refined specific antibacterial serum. JAMA 91:1503-1508.


Bullowa JGM (1928)
Use of antipneumococcic refined serum in lobar pneumonia: data necessary for a comparison between cases treated with serum and cases not so treated, and the importance of a significant control series of cases. JAMA 90: 1354-1358.


McCann WS (1928)
The serum treatment of erysipelas. JAMA 91:78-81.


Ross WC, Bagchi KN , Roy BC (1928)
The bacteriophage in cholera. Indian Journal of Medical Research 15:965-968.


Colebrook D (1929)
Irradiation and health. Medical Research Council Special Report Series No.131.


Bullowa JGM (1929)
The serum treatment and its evaluation in lobar pneumonia. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 5:328-362.


Heald CB (1929)
The present position of ultraviolet light therapy. BMJ 1:94-97.


Joe A, Swyer R (1929)
A study of passive immunisation in scarlet fever. Lancet 1:177-179.


Freeman J (1929)
Discussion on the action and use of ephedrine. Proceeding of Royal Society of Medicine 22:1369.


Pearce RM (1929)
The treatment of influenza with S.U.P. 36. BMJ 2:663-666.


Finland M (1930)
The serum treatment of lobar pneumonia. New England Journal of Medicine 202:1244-1247.


Cecil RL, Plummer N (1930)
Pneumococcus type I pneumonia - a study of eleven hundred and sixty-one cases, with especial reference to specific therapy. JAMA 95:1547-1553.


Kauders O (1930)
Ueber Nachbehandlung nach Malariatherapie [On the management of patients after malaria therapy]. Deutsche Medizinishe Wochenshcrift 61:400-401.


Wyckoff J, Du Bois EF, Woodruff IO (1930)
The therapeutic value of digitalis in pneumonia. JAMA 95:1243-1249.


Leighton G, McKinlay PL (1930)
Milk consumption and the growth of schoolchildren. Department of Health for Scotland. Edinburgh and London: HM Stationery Office.


Iversen P (1930)
Nogle bemærkninger om komplikationerne til parotitis epidemica og forsøg paa behandling med rekonvalescentserum [Treatment of complications of epidemic mumps with the serum of convalescents]. Ugeskrift for Læger 92:167-169.


Physicians to the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh (1930)
A report on lobar pneumonia: treatment by concentrated antiserum. Lancet 2:1390-1394.


Wyckoff J, DeGraaf AC, Parent S (1930)
Influence of salicylates on the heart in rheumatic fever. American Heart Journal 5:568-573.


Benson WT (1930)
The treatment of erysipelas with vaccines. Lancet 2:1286-289.


Friend GE (1931)
Amidopyrin in measles. BMJ 1:33.


Amberson JB, McMahon BT, Pinner M (1931)
A clinical trial of sanocrysin in pulmonary tuberculosis. American Review of Tuberculosis 24:401-435.


Doull JA, Hardy M, Clark JH, Herman NB (1931)
The effect of irradiation with ultra-violet light on the frequency of attacks of upper respiratory disease (common colds). American Journal of Hygiene 13:460-77.


Green HN, Pindar D, Davis G, Mellanby E (1931)
Diet as a prophylactic agent against puerperal sepsis. BMJ 2:595-598.


Wagner-Jauregg J (1931)
Ueber die Infektionsbehandlung der progressiven Paralyse [On infection treatment of progressive paralysis]. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 78:4-7.


Roos H (1931)
Behandling av kruppös pneumoni med kininjektioner [Treatment of acute pneumonia with quinine injections]. Finska Läkaresällskapets Handlingar 73:778-789.


Naidu BPB, Mackie FP (1931)
The serum therapy of plague. Lancet 2:893-897.


Swyer R (1931)
Antigenic properties of diphtheria toxoid-antitoxin floccules. Lancet 1:632-634.


Manson-Bahr P (1931)
Modern methods of treatment of intestinal amœbiasis. Proceedings of Royal Society of Medicine 24:1538–1548.


Sutliff WD, Finland M (1931)
Type I lobar pneumonia treated with concentrated pneumococcic antibody (Felton). The clinical course. JAMA 96:1465-1469.


Davis WE (1931)
The incidence of untoward symptoms following the intravenous injection of sodium tetraiodophenolphthalein in cholecystography. New England Journal of Medicine 205:534-6.


Koenigsberger E (1931)
Die Behandlung der malignen Diphtherie, nach Erfahrungen in Berlin und Kopenhagen [Treatment of malignant diphtheria based on experiences in Berlin and Copenhagen]. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 57:842-845.


Ellison JB (1932)
Intensive vitamin therapy in measles. BMJ 2:708-711.


Riding D, Corkhill NL (1932)
Prophylactic vaccination in epidemic meningococcal meningitis. Journal of Hygiene 32:258-267.


Martini P (1932)
Methodenlehre der Therapeutischen Untersuchung [Methodological principles for therapeutic investigations]. Berlin: Springer.


Armstrong RR, Johnson RS (1932)
Treatment of lobar pneumonia by anti-pneumococcal serum. BMJ 2:662-65.


Aldred-Brown GRP, Munro JMH (1932)
Autogenous urinary proteose in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet 2:1211-1214.


Blatt ML, Shaw NG (1932)
Bacillary dysentery in children: a report of the cases in the Cook County Children's Hospital, Chicago, for 1932. Presented a Regular Meeting of the Chicago Pediatric Society, 20 Dec 1932, reported in Archives of Pediatrics.


Cecil RL, Plummer N (1932)
Pneumococcus Type II pneumonia: a clinical and bacteriologic study of one thousand cases, with especial reference to serum therapy. JAMA 98:779-86.


Sanders JP, Dawson, WT (1932)
Efficacy of quinidine in malaria. JAMA 99:1773-7.


Schauffler GC (1932)
Effect of knee-chest position and postural exercises on postpartum retroversion. JAMA 99:726-8.


Diehl HS (1933)
Medicinal treatment of the common cold. JAMA 101:2042-2049.


Sutliff WD, Finland M, Hunnicutt TN (1933)
Direct comparison between specific and nonspecific serum therapy for type 1 lobar pneumonia. Archives of Internal Medicine 51:435-446.


Macnamara J (1933)
Serum therapy in poliomyelitis. BMJ 1:526-8.


Hottinger A, Toepfer D (1933)
Über den Wert der Serumtherapie bei Diphtherie, insbesondere bei der malignen, toxischen form [On the value of serum therapy of diphtheria, particularly in its malignant, toxic form]. Zeitschrifte für Kinderheilkunde 54:505-529.


King D (1933)
Postoperative pulmonary complications. II. Carbon dioxide as a preventive in controlled series. JAMA 100: 21-6.


Borovsky MP, Steigmann F (1933)
Amidopyrine in the treatment of measles. JAMA 100:1859-61.


Kessel JF, Rose EJ (1933)
Bacteriophage Therapy in Bacillary Dysentery of the Flexner Type*†. Annals of Internal Medicine 6:1193-1199.


Evans W, Hoyle C (1933)
The comparative value of drugs used in the continuous treatment of angina pectoris. Quarterly Journal of Medicine 7:311-338.


Sutherland R (1934)
Vitamins A and D: their relation to growth and resistance to disease. BMJ 1:791–795.


Greenwood M (1934)
Epidemics and crowd-diseases. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Medical Research Council Therapeutic Trials Committee (1934)
The serum treatment of lobar pneumonia. BMJ 1:241-245.


Field JW (1934)
The substitution of atebrin for quinine in treated “ambulatory” cases of malaria on rubber estates. In: Neave Kingsbury A. Annual Report of the Institute for Medical Research, Federated Malay States, p 16-24.


Bullowa JGM (1934)
Therapeutic pneumococcus Type VIII (Cooper) serum. JAMA 102: 1560-1561.


Evans W, Hoyle C (1934)
The prevention and treatment of individual attacks of angina pectoris (angina of effort). Quarterly Journal of Medicine 3:105-135.


Bray GW, Witts LJ (1934)
Pseudo-ephedrine in asthma. Lancet 1:788-90.


Kalke M (1935)
Hikoilukuurin vaikutuksesta influensan kulkuun ja sen leviämisestä eri paikkakunnilta saapuneiden asevelvollisten keskuuessa VJP:ssä v.1933. [The effect of a sweating cure on the course of influenza and its transmission among conscripts from different localities joining the Vuoksi Jaeger Battalion in 1933.] Sotilaslääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti, s28-34.


Robin L, Van-Huan T (1935)
Essais comparés de prophylaxie médicamenteuse en région hyperendémique par la praequine et la quinine ou la quinacrine [Comparative trials of anti-malarial drug prophylaxis in a hyperendemic area with præquine, associated with quinine or quinacrine]. Bulletin de la Société de Pathologie exotique 28:650-658.


McSweeny CJ (1935)
Clinical trials with a new antityphoid serum. Lancet 1:1095-1098.


Wetherbee W, Foley JA, Resnik J (1935)
Diathermy in pneumonia – preliminary report. New England Journal of Medicine 213:796-8.


Doull JA, Shibley GS, McClelland JE (1936)
Active immunization against whooping cough: interim report of the Cleveland experience. American Journal of Public Health 26:1097-1105.


Curphey TJ, Solomon S (1936)
The therapeutic value of calcium salts in serum sickness. New England Journal of Medicine 214:150-153.


Middleton DS (1936)
Tea for burns or scalds in the home. BMJ 1:555.


Gilliam AG, Onstott RH (1936)
Results of field studies with poliomyelitis vaccine. American Journal of Public Health 26:113-118.


Pasricha CL, de Monte AJH, O’Flynn EG (1936)
Bacteriophage in the treatment of cholera. Indian Medical Gazette 71:61-68.


Rosenthal DB (1936)
The incidence of pleural effusion in artificial pneumothorax. BMJ 1:95-99.


Moir JC (1936)
Clinical experiences with the new alkaloid, ergometrine. BMJ 2:799-801.


Corrigan JG, Strauss MB (1936)
The prevention of hypochromic anaemia in pregnancy. JAMA 106:1088-1090.


Hoyne AL (1936)
Intravenous treatment of meningococcic meningitis with Meningococcus antitoxin. JAMA 107:478-81.


Jolliffe N, Colbert CN (1936)
The etiology of polyneuritis in the alcohol addict. JAMA 107:642-7.


Begg N, Coveney MF (1936)
Whooping-cough: value of a specific vaccine in treatment. Lancet 1:82-83.


Field JW, Niven JC, Hodgkin EP (1937)
The prevention of malaria in the field by the use of quinine and atebrine. Bulletin of the Health Organisation of the League of Nations 6:236-290.


Snodgrass WR, Anderson T (1937)
Sulphanilamide in the treatment of erysipelas: a controlled series of 270 cases. BMJ 2:1156-9.


Hogarth JC (1937)
Para-benzylaminobenzene-sulphonamide in the treatment of scarlet fever. BMJ 2:1160-1162.


Bastianelli G, Mosna E, Canalis A (1937)
Prevention and treatment of malaria by synthetic drugs. Bulletin of the Health Organisation of the League of Nations 6:822-891.


Theobald GW (1937)
Effect of calcium and vitamin A and D on incidence of pregnancy toxaemia. Lancet 2:1397-1399.


Hill AB (1937)
Principles of medical statistics. London: Lancet.


Peters BA, Cullum IM (1937)
Post-scarlatinal nephritis: a study in prevention. BMJ 1:1020-21.


Snodgrass WR, Anderson T (1937)
Prontosil in the treatment of erysipelas: a controlled series of 312 cases. BMJ 2:101-104.


Cookson H, Facey RV (1937)
Value of a specific serum in the treatment of typhoid fever. BMJ 1:1009-1012.


Cunningham AA (1937)
Vaccine treatment of measles. BMJ 1:1202-1203.


Peters BA, Havard RV (1937)
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