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Part of a letter from Dr. Nettleton, physician at Halifax, to Dr. Jurin, R. S. Sec concerning the inoculation of the small pox, and the mortality of that distemper in the natural way. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1722-1723) 32:209-212.


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A short and plain account of inoculation. With some remarks on the main argument made use of to recommend that practice, by Mr. Maitland and others. To which is added, a letter to the learned James Jurin, M.D.R.S. Secr. Col. Reg. Med. Lond. Soc. London: W. Meadows.


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A letter to the learned Dr. Caleb Cotesworth, F. R. S. of the College of Physicians, London, and physician to St. Thomas's Hospital; containing a comparison between the danger of the natural small pox, and that given by inoculation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1722 - 1723), 32:213-227.


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Historical account of the small-pox inoculated in New-England, upon all sorts of persons, whites, blacks, and of all ages and constitutions. London: Printed for S. Chandler.


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The Present Status of the Antistreptococcic Serum. New England Journal of Medicine 140:105-109. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM189902021400501


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On preventive inoculation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 65:252-271.


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Professor Lustig’s plague serum. Lancet 2:291-292.


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Use of diphtheria antitoxin in the treatment and prevention of diphtheria. JAMA 34: 902-904.


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The quantity of diphtheria antitoxin required in the treatment of diphtheria. Archives of Paediatrics 17:823-827.


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The prophylactic and curative treatment of plague. BMJ 1:206-208.


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Serum therapeutics. Investigations conducted by the commissioners. BMJ 1:1159-1160.


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Serumtherapie gegen Beulenpest Muenchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 50:649-651.


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Introduction. In: Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 1-27.


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Report on a series of 70 cases of plague treated with Brazil’s anti-plague serum. In: Bannerman WB, ed. Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 47-59.


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Report on a series of 484 cases of plague treated with Lustig’s anti-plague serum. In: Bannerman WB, ed. Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 27-36.


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Report on a series of 110 cases of plague treated with Terni’s anti-plague serum. In: Bannerman WB, ed. Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 37-46.


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Report on a series of 68 cases of plague treated with Roux’ anti-plague serum. In: Bannerman WB, ed. Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 60-7


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On recent progress in serum-therapy of plague. BMJ 1:1282-1284.


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Vaccine therapy. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 3:97-101.


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The serum treatment of human plague. Journal of Hygiene. Plague Supplement II, LVI:326-39.


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Serum treatment of pneumonia. JAMA 59:140.


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The role of animal experimentation in the discoveries leading to our present knowledge of the etiology, prevention and cure of diphtheria. JAMA 53:453-459.


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On pharmaco-therapy and preventive inoculation applied to pneumonia in the African Native. London: Constable, p 84.


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Observations on prophylactic inoculation against pneumococcus infections, and on the results which have been achieved by it. Lancet 1:87-95


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An inquiry into the natural history of septic wounds. Lancet 188: 89-95.


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Bacterial vaccine therapy. JAMA 69:631-632.


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The therapeutic value of pertussis vaccine in whooping cough. JAMA 68:1451-1456.


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Über Behandlung der Diphtherie mit gewöhnlichem Pferdeserum [On the treatment of diphtheria with normal horse serum]. Deutsches Archiv für Klinische Medizin 125:284-332.


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The treatment of lobar pneumonia with an anti-pneumococcus serum. Journal of Medical Research 38:495-501.


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Clinical and bacteriologic study of one thousand cases of lobar pneumonia. JAMA 79:343-349.


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The value of mixed vaccines in the prevention of the common cold. Journal of Hygiene 26:98-109.


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Treatment of scarlet fever with streptococcus antitoxin. JAMA 88:382-5.


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Use of antipneumococcic refined serum in lobar pneumonia: data necessary for a comparison between cases treated with serum and cases not so treated, and the importance of a significant control series of cases. JAMA 90: 1354-1358.


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The control. Contribution to a symposium on the use of antipneumococcic refined serum in lobar pneumonia, 15 December 1927. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Sciences 4:339-343.


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Specific treatment of lobar pneumonia. Archives of Internal Medicine 41:295-335.


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Clinical results with measles streptococcus toxin and antitoxin. JAMA 91:1277-1280.


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The serum treatment of erysipelas. JAMA 91:78-81.


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The serum treatment and its evaluation in lobar pneumonia. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 5:328-362.


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A study of passive immunisation in scarlet fever. Lancet 1:177-179.


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Pneumococcus type I pneumonia - a study of eleven hundred and sixty-one cases, with especial reference to specific therapy. JAMA 95:1547-1553.


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The serum treatment of lobar pneumonia. New England Journal of Medicine 202:1244-1247.


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Ueber Nachbehandlung nach Malariatherapie [On the management of patients after malaria therapy]. Deutsche Medizinishe Wochenshcrift 61:400-401.


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A report on lobar pneumonia: treatment by concentrated antiserum. Lancet 2:1390-1394.


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The serum therapy of plague. Lancet 2:893-897.


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Type I lobar pneumonia treated with concentrated pneumococcic antibody (Felton). The clinical course. JAMA 96:1465-1469.


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Antigenic properties of diphtheria toxoid-antitoxin floccules. Lancet 1:632-634.


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Ueber die Infektionsbehandlung der progressiven Paralyse [On infection treatment of progressive paralysis]. Münchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 78:4-7.


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Treatment of lobar pneumonia by anti-pneumococcal serum. BMJ 2:662-65.


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Pneumococcus Type II pneumonia: a clinical and bacteriologic study of one thousand cases, with especial reference to serum therapy. JAMA 98:779-86.


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Prophylactic vaccination in epidemic meningococcal meningitis. Journal of Hygiene 32:258-267.


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Therapeutic pneumococcus Type VIII (Cooper) serum. JAMA 102: 1560-1561.


Medical Research Council Therapeutic Trials Committee (1934)
The serum treatment of lobar pneumonia. BMJ 1:241-245.


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Clinical trials with a new antityphoid serum. Lancet 1:1095-1098.


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Active immunization against whooping cough: interim report of the Cleveland experience. American Journal of Public Health 26:1097-1105.


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Results of field studies with poliomyelitis vaccine. American Journal of Public Health 26:113-118.


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Intravenous treatment of meningococcic meningitis with Meningococcus antitoxin. JAMA 107:478-81.


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Bacteriophage in the treatment of cholera. Indian Medical Gazette 71:61-68.


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Adequate tests of curative therapy in man. Annals of Internal Medicine 1936-1937;10:89-97.


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Serum therapy. In: Bullowa JGM. The management of the pneumonias. New York: Oxford University Press, pp 283-298.


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Value of a specific serum in the treatment of typhoid fever. BMJ 1:1009-1012.


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Vaccine treatment of measles. BMJ 1:1202-1203.


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The endocrine treatment of menopausal phenomena. JAMA 109:1875-1880.


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Cold vaccines: an evaluation based on a controlled study. Journal of American Medical Association 111:1168-1173.


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Prophylactic value of a single dose of precipitated pertussis vaccine. Public Health Reports 53:793-796.


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Concentrated streptococcus (hemolytic) antitoxic serum in puerperal fever: further therapeutic studies. JAMA 110:1988-91.


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A study in active immunization against pertussis. American Journal of Hygiene 29 Sec. B:133-153.


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Effect of follicular hormone on menopausal flushes. Lancet 233:1205-1206.


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Treatment of cholera (A note on the results of treatment by different methods). Indian Medical Gazette 74:400-401.


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Specific and non-specific serum treatment of scarlet fever. American Journal of Public Health 29:443-451.


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The treatment of Pneumococcic pneumonia with concentrated rabbit serum. JAMA 113: 1314-6.


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Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (meningococcic): the treatment of 113 patients with antimeningococcus serum, meningococcus antitoxin and sulfanilamide. JAMA 115:1091-5.


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Treatment of chronic arthritis. JAMA 144:1740-1742.


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Pertussis prophylaxis with two doses of alum-precipitated vaccine. Public Health Reports 56:1535-1546.


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Treatment of dementia paralytica: A five year comparative study of artificial fever therapy and therapeutic malaria in two hundred and thirty-two cases. JAMA 116:2474-77.


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Treatment of diphtheria. BMJ 1:907.


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Studies on old age pneumonia. II. Prophylactic effect of pneumococcus polysaccharide against pneumonia. Archives of Internal Medicine 61:304-319.


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A critical analysis of insulin therapy at Rochester State Hospital. Psychiatric Quarterly 15: 635-647.


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The treatment of moderately severe scarlet fever: A study of alternate patients treated with sulfanilamide, convalescent serum and scarlet fever antitoxin. JAMA 117:2056-60.


Kendrick PL (1942)
Use of alum-treated pertussis vaccine, and alum-precipitated combined pertussis vaccine and diphtheria toxoid, for active immunization. American Journal of Public Health 32:615-626.


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Field study of alum-precipitated combined pertussis vaccine and diphtheria toxoid for active immunization. American Journal of Hygiene 38:193-202.


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Treatment of angina pectoris by testosterone propionate. New York State Journal of Medicine 43:1424-1428.


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Bacteriophage therapy in bacillary dysentery. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 37:243-262.


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A clinical evaluation of vaccination against influenza. JAMA 124:982-985.


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Treatment of typhus with anti-typhus horse serum. Lancet 2:210-12.


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The control of dust-borne streptococcal infection in measles wards. BMJ 1:611-614.


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Prevention of pneumococcal pneumonia by immunization with specific capsular polysaccharides. Journal of Experimental Medicine 82:445-465.


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Gamma globulin in poliomyelitis. JAMA 129:1146-1150.


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The use of human immune serum globulin (gamma globulin) in infectious (epidemic) hepatitis in the Mediterranean theater of operations II. Studies on treatment in an epidemic of infectious hepatitis. JAMA 128:1158-9.


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Post-transfusion hepatitis in battle casualties: and a study of its prophylaxis by means of human immune serum globulin. JAMA 129:991-4.


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Prevention of infectious hepatitis with gamma globulin. JAMA 129:270-272.


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Results of BCG vaccination in New York City. American Review of Tuberculosis 53:517-532.


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The epidemiological principles and procedures involved in a study of the prophylactic value of an alum-precipated mixture of diphtheria toxoid and pertussis vaccine. Thesis submitted to the School of Hygiene and Public Health of the Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Public Health.


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Hróbjartsson A, Gøtzsche PC, Gluud C (1988).
The controlled clinical trial turns 100 years: Fibiger’s trial of serum treatment of diphtheria. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


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Adolf Bingel (1879-1953), a member of the last generation of general internal physicians in Germany. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Armitage P† (2003).
Some recollections of the early years of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Statistical Research Unit. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


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Quantitative evidence for judgments on the efficacy of inoculation for the prevention of smallpox: England and New England in the 1700s. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Huth EJ (2006).
Benjamin Franklin’s (1706-1790), place in the history of medicine. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Jefferson T (2006).
Why the MRC randomized trials of whooping cough (pertussis) vaccines remain important more than half a century after they were done. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Marks HM† (2006).
The Kendrick-Eldering-(Frost) pertussis vaccine field trial. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


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Jesse GM Bullowa (1879-1943). JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


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Zabdiel Boylston (1679/80-1766). JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


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William Watson’s use of controlled clinical experiments in 1768. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Boylston AW, Williams AE (2008).
Zabdiel Boylston’s evaluation of inoculation against smallpox. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Podolsky SH (2008).
Jesse Bullowa, specific treatment for pneumonia, and the development of the controlled clinical trial. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Shannon H (2008).
A statistical note on Karl Pearson’s 1904 meta-analysis. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Stylianou C, Kelnar C (2008).
The introduction of successful treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulin. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Boylston AW (2010).
Thomas Nettleton and the dawn of quantitative assessments of the effects of medical interventions. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Chalmers I (2010).
Joseph Asbury Bell (1904-1968). JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Chalmers I (2010).
Joseph Asbury Bell and the birth of randomized trials. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Gluud C (2010).
Danish contributions to the evaluation of serum therapy for diphtheria in the 1890s. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Klingberg MA (2010).
An epidemiologist’s journey from typhus to thalidomide, and from the Soviet Union to Seveso. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Löwy I (2010).
Martin Arrowsmith’s clinical trial: scientific precision and heroic medicine. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Morabia A (2010).
Edward Jenner’s 1798 report of challenge experiments demonstrating the protective effects of cowpox against smallpox. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Opinel A, Gachelin G (2010).
French 19th century contributions to the development of treatments for diphtheria. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Slater SD (2010).
The discovery of thyroid replacement therapy. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Tröhler U (2010).
Towards endocrinology: Theodor Kocher’s 1883 account of the unexpected effects of total ablation of the thyroid. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Tröhler U (2010).
Adolf Bingel’s blinded, controlled comparison of different anti-diphtheritic sera in 1918. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


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Emil Theodor Kocher (1841-1917). JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Boylston AW (2011).
Observation and experimentation in developing ‘the Suttonian Method’ of inoculation. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Chalmers I, Dukan E, Podolsky SH, Davey Smith G (2011).
The advent of fair treatment allocation schedules in clinical trials during the 19th and early 20th centuries. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Fox DM (2011).
Systematic reviews and health policy: the influence of a project on perinatal care since 1988. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Gartlehner G, Stepper K (2011).
Julius Wagner-Jauregg: pyrotherapy, Simultanmethode, and ‘racial hygiene’. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Podolsky SH, Davey Smith G (2011).
Park’s story and Winters’ tale: alternate allocation clinical trials in turn of the Century America. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Boylston AW (2012).
The origins of vaccination: no inoculation, no vaccination. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Boylston AW (2012).
John Haygarth’s 18th century ‘Rules of Prevention’ for eradicating smallpox. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Boylston AW (2012).
The origins of inoculation. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Ramanna M (2014).
Nasarwanji Hormusji Choksy (1861-1939), a pioneer of controlled clinical trials. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Bird A (2018).
James Jurin and the avoidance of bias in collecting and assessing evidence on the effects of variolation. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Jefferson T (2019).
Sponsorship bias in clinical trials – growing menace or dawning realisation? JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Tröhler U (2020)
Probabilistic thinking and the evaluation of therapies, 1700-1900. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Gøtzsche PC (2021).
Citation bias: questionable research practice or scientific misconduct? JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Pound P (2022).
The role of systematic reviews in identifying the limitations of preclinical animal research, 2000 – 2022. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Chalmers I, Matthews R, Glasziou P, Boutron I, Armitage P† (2023).
Analysis of clinical trial by Treatment Allocated or by Treatment Received? Applying ‘the intention-to-treat principle’. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Nylenna, M (2023).
Paul Owren, Christopher Bjerkelund and the dawn of controlled trials in Norway. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Glasziou P, Matthews R, Boutron I, Chalmers I, Armitage P† (2023)
The differences and overlaps between ‘explanatory’ and ‘pragmatic’ controlled trials: a historical perspective. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.
