Walker MB (1934)

Treatment of myasthenia gravis with physostigmine. Lancet 1:1200-1201.

Key passage(s)

Whole article


 Mary Broadfoot Walker (1888-1974)

Video / Audio

Effect of physostigmine/prostigmin in myaesthesnia gravis

Walker (1934) from James Lind Library on Vimeo.


The editors are grateful to:

The Council of the West Kent Medico-Chirurgical Society and Dr Colin Gillespie for providing a copy of the film of the effects of prostigmin given to a patient in Mary Walker’s ward at St Alfege’s Hospital, and for permission to include the film in the James Lind Library.

The Wellcome Trust for making available the portrait of Mary Broadfoot Walker (1888-1974).

Elsevier Ltd. for making a pdf of this article available (letter to Iain Chalmers from Laura Pritchard, 14 May 2014). For conditions of further reproduction, see here.