Title page(s)
Key passage(s)
Other material(s)
Stamp commemorating James Lind
Capodimonte figurine of James Lind
Presented to the Institute of Naval Medicine by Surgeon Vice Admiral Sir James Watt.
National Capodimonte Museum in Italy
An example of how Lind’s trial would have been registered in Clinicaltrials.gov – click here
Video / Audio
‘What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us: Modern Medicine’ (BBC 2003)
Recreation of Lind’s controlled trial for a BBC programme entitled ‘What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us: Modern Medicine’, presented by Dan Cruickshank and produced by Jonathan Hassid, and first broadcast on BBC 2 at 20.00 h, 28 October 2003.
The editors are grateful to:
The Worshipful Company of Barbers (www.barberscompany.org), which licensed James Lind as a naval surgeon in 1739.
The Institute of Naval Medicine, the emblem of which is a lemon tree to mark James Lind’s contribution to the health of seamen, for helping to meet some of the costs associated with adding material about James Lind to The James Lind Library.
David Harvie, author of Limeys: The Story of One Man’s War Against the Establishment, Ignorance and the Deadly Scurvy, for the illustrations of Royal Hospital Haslar.
Keith Williams for supplying the Pfizer advertisment.
David Kindley, for supplying an image of James Lind in a Transkei postage stamp.
John Hepner for giving his permission to use the painted portrait of James Lind. (for contact details see Peters and Hepner)