Paul Franz Xavier Martini (1889-1964)
1889 | Born in Frankenthal (Rhine-Palatinate), Germany, on 25th January | |
1895– 1898 |
Elementary school in Frankenthal and Landau | |
1898- 1907 |
Grammar school, including final examination, in Frankenthal and Ludwigshafen | |
1907– 1913 |
Medical student at the Universities of Munich and Kiel | |
1914- 1918 |
Military Service during First World War | |
1917 | Doctoral thesis in cardiac physiology: “Changes of the central and peripheral pulse under different conditions”, supervised by Otto Frank, Munich | |
1922 | Habilitation thesis – “Studies on percussion and auscultation” – supervised by Friedrich von Müller, Munich; lecturer at University of Munich | |
1919– 1927 |
Medical registrar in Munich | |
1926 | Graduation as Professor of Medicine; publication of his first book “Martini‘s principles and practice of physical diagnosis” (“Die unmittelbare Krankenuntersuchung”, Springer, Berlin) | |
1927– 1928 |
Medical consultant in Munich | |
1928– 1932 |
Head of the Department of Medicine at St. Hedwigskrankenhaus in Berlin | |
1932 | First edition of “Methodology of therapeutic investigation” (“Methodenlehre der therapeutischen Untersuchung”, Springer, Berlin; further editions with a slightly changed title 1947, 1953, 1968 with G. Oberhoffer and E. Welte) | |
1932- 1957 |
Professor and head of the Department of Internal Medicine at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Bonn | |
1939– 1940 |
Army medical service as a supervising doctor during Second World War; discharged suffering from polyarthritis; continuation of his clinical work despite problems with the Nazi regime for supporting Jewish colleagues | |
1945 | Involved in rebuilding the Medical School and University of Bonn | |
1957 | Retired 19th March; awarded Paracelsus Medal by the Deutscher Ärztetag (the highest distinction of the German Medical Association) | |
1959 | Honorary member of the Rudolph Virchow Society, New York, and of the German Society of Internal Medicine | |
1964 | Died at Galenberg (Eifel), Germany, on 8th September | |
1966 | Establishment of the Paul Martini Foundation (for the support of pharmaceutical research), Berlin, Germany |