Quiz: Why treatment comparisons must be fair

Posted by minervation on July 31, 2024

Do you know why treatment comparisons must be fair?

Take the quiz and find out!

JLL Quiz 1.3

Why treatment comparisons must be fair

Multiple-choice questions for Chapter 1.3 of The James Lind Library’s Introduction to Fair Tests of Treatments

Prepared by Mike Clarke.

If you need a hint, check the Essay.

1 / 5

What makes a treatment comparison untrustworthy?

If you need a hint, check the Essay.

2 / 5

What led to the prescription of diethylstilboestrol (DES) to millions of pregnant women?

If you need a hint, check the Essay.

3 / 5

What were the later-life consequences for children of women given diethylstilboestrol (DES) during pregnancy?

If you need a hint, check the Essay.

4 / 5

What did fair tests show about the effects of hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) for women aged over 60?

If you need a hint, check the Essay.

5 / 5

What is needed if people are to be able to assess claims about the effects of treatments?

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