Quiz: Why treatment comparisons must address genuine uncertainties

Posted by minervation on September 30, 2024

Do you know why treatment comparisons must address genuine uncertainties?  Take the quiz and find out.

JLL Quiz 2.1

Why comparisons must address genuine uncertainties

Multiple-choice questions for Chapter 2.1 of The James Lind Library’s Introduction to Fair Tests of Treatments

Prepared by Mike Clarke.

1 / 5

Should researchers do a systematic review before starting a new study of a treatment?

2 / 5

What were the consequences of researchers continuing to do placebo-controlled trials of antibiotics for people having bowel surgery after the 1970s?

3 / 5

What did a Dutch review of animal studies of calcium-blocking drugs show?

4 / 5

What characteristic(s) might be found in unfair tests of a treatment?

5 / 5

How have some Research Ethics Committees failed to protect patients recruited to clinical trials?

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The average score is 91%


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