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Van Helmont JB (1648)
Ortus medicinæ: Id est Initia physicæ inaudita. Progressus medicinae novus, in morborum ultionem, ad vitam longam [The dawn of medicine: That is, the beginning of a new Physic. A new advance in medicine, a victory over disease, to (promote) a long life]. Amsterodami: Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, pp 526-527.


Starkey G (1657)
Natures explication and Helmont’s vindication…Or A short and sure way to a long and sound life. London: printed by E. Cotes for Thomas Alsop at the two Sugar-loaves over against St. Antholins Church at the lower end of Watling Street.


de Fontaney F (1703)
Letter to F de la Chaise, from Cheu-Chan (a port in the Province of ‘Chekian’), dated 15 February. In: Lettres Édifiantes Et Curieuses, Écrites Des Missions Étrangères Par Quelques Missionnaires De La Compagnie De Jesus [Edifying and curious letters, written from the foreign missions by some missionaries of the Company of Jesus]. 34 vols. Paris: Chez Nicolas le Clerc, rue Saint Jacques, à l’Image Saint Lambert, 1703-1776. Vol. 7 (1707): pp. 234-244.


Vage (1759)
An extract of a letter from Mr Vage, dated at Senegal, Oct. 15, 1759. Medical Observations and Inquiries 1764;2. London: William Johnston, pp 269-272.


Lind J (1762)
An essay on the most effectual means of preserving the health of seamen, in the Royal Navy. London: D Wilson.


Lind J (1763)
Two papers on fevers and infection. London: D Wilson.


Stone E (1764)
An account of the success of the bark of the willow in the cure of agues. Philosophical Transactions 53:195-200.


Lind J (1771)
An essay on diseases incidental to Europeans in hot climates. London: Becket and De Hondt.


Gregory J (1772)
Lectures on the duties and qualifications of a physician. London: Strahan and Cadell. (new ed.) Edinburgh: Creech.


Sims J (1774)
A discourse on the best methods of prosecuting medical enquiries. London: J Johnson, p78-9, 80, 86-88, 99-101.


Millar J (1779)
Observations on the management of the prevailing diseases particularly in the Army and Navy. London, for the author.


Clark J (1780)
Observations on fevers, especially of the continued type. London: T Cadell.


Black W (1782)
An historical sketch of medicine and surgery from their origin to the present time. London: J Johnson.


McCausland R (1783)
Facts and observations on different medical subjects. Medical Commentaries viii (1781/82), 247-96.


Black W (1788)
A comparative view of the mortality of the human species at all ages. London: Dilly, pp 35-38.


Gordon A (1788)
The practice of physick. Unpublished manuscript.


Black W (1789)
An arithmetical and medical analysis of the diseases and mortality of the human species. London: J Johnson.


Blane G (1789)
Observations on the diseases incident to seamen. 2nd edition. London: Cooper.


Robertson R (1789)
Observations on jail, hospital, or ship fever. New ed. London: for the Author.


Robertson R (1790)
Essay on fever. London: printed for the author.


Clark J (1792)
Observations on the diseases which prevail in long voyages to hot countries. London: J Murray.


Rowley W (1793)
The causes of a great number of deaths amongst adults and children. 2nd edn. London: Newbery.


Gordon A (1795)
A treatise on the epidemic puerperal fever of Aberdeen. In: Churchill F, ed (1849). Essays on the puerperal fever and other diseases selected from the writings of British authors previous to the close of the eighteenth century. London: Sydenham Society, p 445-500.


Currie J (1797)
Medical reports on the effects of water, cold and warm, as a remedy in fever, and febrile diseases. Liverpool and London: M’Creery and Cadell.


Fordyce G (1798)
A third dissertation on fever, Parts I & II. London: J Johnson.


Millar J (1798)
Observations on the management of diseases in the Army and Navy in reply to Dr. Monroe. London: for the Author.


Millar J (1798)
Observations on the conduct of the war. An appeal to the people of Great Britain. London: for the author.


Rollo J (1801)
A short account of the Royal Artillery Hospital at Woolwich. London: Mawman.


Fordyce G (1802)
A second dissertation on fever. London: J Johnson.


Fordyce G (1803)
A fifth dissertation on fever. London: J Johnson.


Haygarth J (1803)
A letter to Dr Percival on the prevention of infections, fevers… Annals of Medicine. Vol II, Lustrum II, 51-78.


Currie W (1804)
Medical reports of the effects of water: cold and warm as a remedy in fever and febrile diseases. Vol. 2. London: M’Creery & Cadell.


Haygarth J (1805)
A clinical history of diseases 1. Acute rheumatism. 2. Nodosity of the joints. London: Cadell and Davies.


Sutton T (1806)
A practical account of remittent fever. London: Robinson, p 16-17.


Blane G (1813)
Observations on the comparative prevalence, mortality, & treatment of different diseases.... Medico-chirurgical Transactions, Vol 4, p 89-141, London.


Mills T (1813)
An essay on the utility of bloodletting in fever Dublin: J.Barlow, for Gilbert and Hodges, London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown.


Young T (1813)
An Introduction to Medical Literature, including a System of Practical Nosology, Intended as a Guide to Students, and an Assistant to Practitioners. London: Underwood and Blacks.


Lesassier Hamilton A (1816)
Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis De Synocho Castrensi [Inaugural medical dissertation on camp fever]. Edinburgh: J Ballantyne.


MacGrigor J (1816)
Sketch of the medical history of the British armies in the peninsula of Spain and Portugal, during the late campaigns. Medico-chirurgical Transactions 6:381-489.


MacLean C (1818)
Results of an Investigation, respecting Epidemic and Pestilential Diseases. Vol. 2. London: Underwood.


Elliotson J (1823)
Medical properties of quinine. Medico-Chirurgical Transactions 12:543-564.


Forbes J (1846)
Homoeopathy, allopathy and “young physic”. British and Foreign Medical Review 225-265.


Bryson A (1847)
Report on the Climate and Principal Diseases of the African Station. London: Printed by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty.


McShane C (1856)
Medical Statistical Returns of the African Station. In: Statistical Report of the Health of the Royal Navy for the year 1856. London: House of Commons, pp 82-83.


Semmelweis I (1861)
Die Aetiologie, der Begriff und die Prophylaxis des Kindbettfiebers. [The etiology, concept, and prophylaxis of childbed fever]. Budapest and Vienna; Hartleben.


Sutton HG (1865)
Cases of rheumatic fever treated for the most part by mint water. Guy’s Hospital Reports 2:392-428.


Koch R (1900)
Vierter Bericht über die Thätigkeit der Malaria-Expedition, die Monate März und April 1900 umfassend [Fourth report on the activity of the Malaria Expedition, comprising the months of March and April 1900] Deutsche medicinische Wochenschrift 25:397-398.


Celli A (1903)
La malaria in Italia durante il 1902. Parte II: Profilassi della malaria. [Malaria in Italy in 1902. Part II: Prophylaxis of Malaria]. Annali di Igiene Sperimentale 13:322-343.


Rheumatic Fever Working Party of the Medical Research Council of GB and the subcommittee of principal investigators of the American Council on Rheumatic Fever and Congenital Heart Disease, American Heart Association. (1955)
Treatment of acute rheumatic fever in children; a co-operative clinical trial of A.C.T.H., Cortisone, and Aspirin. BMJ 1:555-574



Dean ME (2003).
‘An innocent deception’: placebo controls in the St Petersburg homeopathy trial, 1829-30. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Tröhler U (2003).
James Lind and the evaluation of clinical practice. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Lee MR (2005).
William Withering (1741-1799), a biographical sketch of a Birmingham Lunatic. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Maehle A-H (2011).
Four early clinical studies to assess the effects of Peruvian bark. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Milne I, Chalmers I (2014).
Alexander Lesassier Hamilton’s 1816 report of a controlled trial of bloodletting. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Donaldson IML (2016).
van Helmont’s proposal for a randomised comparison of treating fevers with or without bloodletting and purging. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Gachelin G, Garner P, Ferroni E, Tröhler U, Chalmers I (2016).
Evaluating Cinchona bark and quinine for treating and preventing malaria. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Pormann PE (2018).
Concepts of patient groups in 10th-century Iraq and Persia JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Tröhler U (2020)
Probabilistic thinking and the evaluation of therapies, 1700-1900. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.


Held L, Matthews RAJ (2022).
Paradigm lost: Carl Liebermeister and the development of modern medical statistics. JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of treatment evaluation.
