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Paré A (1575)
1575 Les oeuvres de M. Ambroise Paré conseiller, et premier chirurgien du Roy avec les figures & portraicts tant de l'Anatomie que des instruments de Chirurgie, & de plusieurs Monstres. [The works of M. Ambroise Paré, advisor, and first surgeon to the King, with figures and portraits concerning anatomy as well as surgical instruments, and several monsters] Paris: Gabriel Buon.


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Historical account of the small-pox inoculated in New-England, upon all sorts of persons, whites, blacks, and of all ages and constitutions. London: Printed for S. Chandler.


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Some account on the success of inoculation for the small-pox in England and America. London: W Strahan.


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Remarks on Angina Pectoris. New England Journal Medicine & Surgery 1:1-11.


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A contribution toward the natural history of articular rheumatism; consisting of a report of thirteen cases treated solely with palliative measures. American Journal of the Medical Sciences 46:17-36.


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Scarlatina. Reports of societies. Boston Medical And Surgical Journal 141:348.


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Echoes and news: the chlorine treatment of diphtheria. Medical News 74:403.


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The Present Status of the Antistreptococcic Serum. New England Journal of Medicine 140:105-109. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM189902021400501


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The quantity of diphtheria antitoxin required in the treatment of diphtheria. Archives of Paediatrics 17:823-827.


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The reporting of unsuccessful cases. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 161:263-263.


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The effect produced by some therapeutic measures on the different forms of leucocytes in pulmonary tuberculosis. New England Journal of Medicine 165:563-568.


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The role of animal experimentation in the discoveries leading to our present knowledge of the etiology, prevention and cure of diphtheria. JAMA 53:453-459.


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Serum treatment of pneumonia. JAMA 59:140.


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Report of 150 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis treated with tuberculin. JAMA 59:332-33.


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Clinical effects of “natural” and “synthetic” sodium salicylate. JAMA 61:319-321.


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Treatment of pneumonia with partially autolyzed pneumococci. JAMA 61:2203-4.


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Sinkina. JAMA 61:1056-1058.


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Hospital Efficiency from the Standpoint of Hospital Trustees. The New England Journal of Medicine 172:778. 10.1056/NEJM191505271722104


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Clinical Experience with Liquid Paraffin (Liquid Petrolatum): A Comparative Investigation Made Under the Auspices of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry. JAMA 64: 808-809.


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Post partum care of perineum. Bulletin of Johns Hopkins Hospital 27:107-109.


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A study in hospital efficiency. Boston: privately printed.


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An inquiry into the natural history of septic wounds. Lancet 188: 89-95.


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Bacterial vaccine therapy. JAMA 69:631-632.


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The crucial test of therapeutic evidence. JAMA 69:198-199.


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Biniodol. JAMA 68: 650-51.


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The failure of a bacterial vaccine as a prophylactic against influenza. JAMA 71:1997.


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Treatment of facial erysipelas at Camp Cody, N.M. JAMA 71:900-01.


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The treatment of lobar pneumonia with an anti-pneumococcus serum. Journal of Medical Research 38:495-501.


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A statistical discussion of the relative efficacy of different methods of treating pneumonia. Archives of Internal Medicine 24:398-403.


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Use of influenza vaccine as a prophylactic – an experimental study conducted by the Massachusetts State Department of Health. Journal of the Tennessee State Medical Association 11:442-446.


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Treatment of Influenzal pneumonia by the use of convalescent human serum, Second report. JAMA 72:709-713. doi:10.1001/jama.1919.02610100017007


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The prevention of simple goiter in man: fourth paper. Archives of Internal Medicine 25:661-72.


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Antipneumococcus serum (Kyes’s) in the treatment of pneumonia. American Journal of Medical Sciences 159:885-891.


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Is the usual method of preparing patients for delivery beneficial or necessary? American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 4:645-650.


Cecil RL, Larsen NP (1922)
Clinical and bacteriologic study of one thousand cases of lobar pneumonia. JAMA 79:343-349.


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Pellagra prevention by diet among inmates. Public Health Reports 38:2361-2368.


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Focal infection and mental disease. American Journal of Psychiatry 3:149-197.


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How to experiment in education. New York: Macmillan.


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The serologic treatment of lobar pneumonia. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal 190:196-203.


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Scarlet fever: etiology, prevention by immunization, and antitoxic treatment. JAMA 85:1180-1186.


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Arrowsmith. New York: Collier.


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Notes on the therapeutic value of pneumococcus antibody solution subcutaneously administered in lobar pneumonia. Archives of Internal Medicine 35:267-286.


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Value of Chlorin in the treatment of colds. JAMA 84:1629-32.


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Rendering account in public health. American Journal of Public Health 15:394-397.


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Treatment of pernicious anaemia by a special diet. JAMA 87:470-476.


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The effects of ultraviolet irradiation on the health of a group of infants. JAMA 87(14):1114-1117.


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The antitoxin treatment of erysipelas: observations in one hundred and thirty-one patients at Bellevue Hospital. JAMA 89:880-2.


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Treatment of scarlet fever with streptococcus antitoxin. JAMA 88:382-5.


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The need for reporting negative results. JAMA 88:119.


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Use of antipneumococcic refined serum in lobar pneumonia: data necessary for a comparison between cases treated with serum and cases not so treated, and the importance of a significant control series of cases. JAMA 90: 1354-1358.


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The control. Contribution to a symposium on the use of antipneumococcic refined serum in lobar pneumonia, 15 December 1927. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Sciences 4:339-343.


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The treatment of lobar pneumonia with refined specific antibacterial serum. JAMA 91:1503-1508.


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Specific treatment of lobar pneumonia. Archives of Internal Medicine 41:295-335.


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The treatment of lobar pneumonia with concentrated anti-pneumococcus serum. JAMA 91:2036-2040.


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Clinical results with measles streptococcus toxin and antitoxin. JAMA 91:1277-1280.


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The serum treatment of erysipelas. JAMA 91:78-81.


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The serum treatment and its evaluation in lobar pneumonia. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 5:328-362.


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The therapeutic value of digitalis in pneumonia. JAMA 95:1243-1249.


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Pneumococcus type I pneumonia - a study of eleven hundred and sixty-one cases, with especial reference to specific therapy. JAMA 95:1547-1553.


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The serum treatment of lobar pneumonia. New England Journal of Medicine 202:1244-1247.


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Prevention of post-operative pulmonary complications. Report and Notices of Meetings. The New England Journal of Medicine 205:1320.


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Bacillary dysentery in children: a report of the cases in the Cook County Children's Hospital, Chicago, for 1932. Presented a Regular Meeting of the Chicago Pediatric Society, 20 Dec 1932, reported in Archives of Pediatrics.


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Pneumococcus Type II pneumonia: a clinical and bacteriologic study of one thousand cases, with especial reference to serum therapy. JAMA 98:779-86.


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Efficacy of quinidine in malaria. JAMA 99:1773-7.


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Measuring effectiveness of personnel counseling. Personnel Journal, 11, 227-236.


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Direct comparison between specific and nonspecific serum therapy for type 1 lobar pneumonia. Archives of Internal Medicine 51:435-446.


Diehl HS (1933)
Medicinal treatment of the common cold. JAMA 101:2042-2049.


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Postoperative pulmonary complications. II. Carbon dioxide as a preventive in controlled series. JAMA 100: 21-6.


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Amidopyrine in the treatment of measles. JAMA 100:1859-61.


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Bacteriophage Therapy in Bacillary Dysentery of the Flexner Type*†. Annals of Internal Medicine 6:1193-1199.


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Therapeutic pneumococcus Type VIII (Cooper) serum. JAMA 102: 1560-1561.


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Style brief, a guide for authors in preparing manuscripts and drawings for the most effective and economical method of publishing biological research. Philadelphia: The Wistar Institute Press.


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Human Convalescent Serum in the Treatment of Preparalytic Poliomyelitis. Am J Dis Child 48: 481-501.


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Experiences with ergotamine tartrate in 120 patients with migraine. JAMA 105:169-171.


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Diathermy in pneumonia – preliminary report. New England Journal of Medicine 213:796-8.


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Adequate tests of curative therapy in man. Annals of Internal Medicine 1936-1937;10:89-97.


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The prevention of hypochromic anaemia in pregnancy. JAMA 106:1088-1090.


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Results of field studies with poliomyelitis vaccine. American Journal of Public Health 26:113-118.


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The therapeutic value of calcium salts in serum sickness. New England Journal of Medicine 214:150-153.


Doull JA, Shibley GS, McClelland JE (1936)
Active immunization against whooping cough: interim report of the Cleveland experience. American Journal of Public Health 26:1097-1105.


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Intravenous treatment of meningococcic meningitis with Meningococcus antitoxin. JAMA 107:478-81.


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The etiology of polyneuritis in the alcohol addict. JAMA 107:642-7.


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Termination of 1000 attacks of migraine with ergotamine tartrate. JAMA 107:1208-1212.


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Clinical observations on the effect of Benzedrine sulphate. JAMA 109:549-54.


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The xanthines (theobromine and aminophyllin) in the treatment of cardiac pain. JAMA 108;2173-2179.


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Evaluation by controlled series of vaginal trichomoniasis therapies. JAMA 109:768-71.


Bullowa JGM (1937)
Serum therapy. In: Bullowa JGM. The management of the pneumonias. New York: Oxford University Press, pp 283-298.


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The endocrine treatment of menopausal phenomena. JAMA 109:1875-1880.


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Medicinal treatment of angina pectoris. Archives of Internal Medicine 60:100-118.


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A study of certain dietary factors of possible etiologic significance in toxemias of pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 35:426-440.


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Prophylactic value of a single dose of precipitated pertussis vaccine. Public Health Reports 53:793-796.


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Effects of vitamin B (B1) therapy on the polyneuritis of alcohol addicts. JAMA 110:414-419.


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A note on the use of sulfanilamide in scarlet fever. Baltimore Health News 15:41-44.


Diehl HS, Baker AB, Cowan DW (1938)
Cold vaccines: an evaluation based on a controlled study. Journal of American Medical Association 111:1168-1173.


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Use of sulfanilamide after transurethral prostatectomy. JAMA 110:1887-90.


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Concentrated streptococcus (hemolytic) antitoxic serum in puerperal fever: further therapeutic studies. JAMA 110:1988-91.


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The treatment of lobar pneumonia with sulfapyridine. New England Journal of Medicine 221:263-266.


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Use of benzedrine in the depressed phase of the psychotic state. Ohio State Medical Journal 35:39-45.


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A study in active immunization against pertussis. American Journal of Hygiene 29 Sec. B:133-153.


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The drug treatment of angina pectoris due to coronary artery disease. American Journal of Medical Science 197:774-782.


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Treatment of pneumococcic pneumonia with sulfanilamide. JAMA 112:1021-7.


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Specific and non-specific serum treatment of scarlet fever. American Journal of Public Health 29:443-451.


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The treatment of Pneumococcic pneumonia with concentrated rabbit serum. JAMA 113: 1314-6.


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Empyema in Children. New England Journal of Medicine 221:1003-1009.


Lindquist EF (1940)
Statistical analysis in educational research. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.


Sidell N, Abrams MI (1940)
Treatment of chronic arthritis. JAMA 144:1740-1742.


Pratt JG, Rhine JB, Smith BM, Stuart CE, Greenwood JA (1940)
Extra-sensory perception after sixty years: a critical appraisal of the research in extra-sensory perception. New York: Henry Holt.


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Treatment of pneumonia by sulfapyridine and by hydroxyethylapocupreine dihydrochloride. American Journal of Diseases of Children 59:497-508.


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Sulfanilamide in treatment of sore throat due to hemolytic streptococci: with controls. JAMA 114:942-3.


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Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis (meningococcic): the treatment of 113 patients with antimeningococcus serum, meningococcus antitoxin and sulfanilamide. JAMA 115:1091-5.


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A critical analysis of insulin therapy at Rochester State Hospital. Psychiatric Quarterly 15: 635-647.


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Pertussis prophylaxis with two doses of alum-precipitated vaccine. Public Health Reports 56:1535-1546.


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Benzedrine sulphate in the treatment of nicotinism. Medical Record 2:590-593.


Kaufman P (1941)
Studies on old age pneumonia. II. Prophylactic effect of pneumococcus polysaccharide against pneumonia. Archives of Internal Medicine 61:304-319.


Plummer N, Liebmann J, Solomon S, Kammerer WH, Kalkstein M, Ensworth HK (1941)
Chemotherapy versus combined chemotherapy and serum. JAMA 116:2366-2371.


Top FH, Young DC (1941)
The treatment of moderately severe scarlet fever: A study of alternate patients treated with sulfanilamide, convalescent serum and scarlet fever antitoxin. JAMA 117:2056-60.


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Sulfathiazole for acute diarrhea and dysentery of infants and children. JAMA 117:1520-3.


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Treatment of dementia paralytica: A five year comparative study of artificial fever therapy and therapeutic malaria in two hundred and thirty-two cases. JAMA 116:2474-77.


Kendrick PL (1942)
Use of alum-treated pertussis vaccine, and alum-precipitated combined pertussis vaccine and diphtheria toxoid, for active immunization. American Journal of Public Health 32:615-626.


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Studies on the control of acute respiratory infections: preliminary report on the oral administration of sulfadiazine at the onset of acute respiratory illnesses. JAMA 119:783-5.


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The treatment of meningococcic infections with sulphadiazine and sulphamerazine. JAMA 123:134-138.


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Treatment of angina pectoris by testosterone propionate. New York State Journal of Medicine 43:1424-1428.


Kendrick PL (1943)
Field study of alum-precipitated combined pertussis vaccine and diphtheria toxoid for active immunization. American Journal of Hygiene 38:193-202.


Commission on Influenza (1944)
A clinical evaluation of vaccination against influenza. JAMA 124:982-985.


Dieckmann WJ, Adair FL, Michel H, Kramer S, Dunkle F, Arthur B, Costin M, Campbell A, Wensley AC, Lorang E (1944)
Calcium, phosphorus, iron and nitrogen balances in pregnant women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 47:357-368.


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Evaluation of therapeutic agents in clinical tuberculosis. American Review in Tuberculosis 50:202-213.


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The prevention of respiratory tract bacterial infections. JAMA 126:88-89.


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Discussion on Penicillin. Proceedings of Royal Society of Medicine 37: 101–12.


Yeomans A, Snyder JC, Murray ES, Zarafonetis CJD, Ecke RS (1944)
The therapeutic efficacy of para-aminobenzoic acid in louse borne typhus fever. JAMA 126:349-56.


Cecil RL, Plummer N, Smillie WG (1944)
Sulfadiazine in the treatment of the common cold. JAMA 124:8-14.


Fries ED (1944)
The treatment of tonsillitis with small doses of sulfonamides. JAMA 126:93-4.


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Laboratory and clinical appraisal on new drugs. Report of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry. JAMA 126:958-961.


Gellis SS, Stokes J, Forster HW, Brother GM, Hall WM (1945)
The use of human immune serum globulin (gamma globulin) in infectious (epidemic) hepatitis in the Mediterranean theater of operations II. Studies on treatment in an epidemic of infectious hepatitis. JAMA 128:1158-9.


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Post-transfusion hepatitis in battle casualties: and a study of its prophylaxis by means of human immune serum globulin. JAMA 129:991-4.


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Gamma globulin in poliomyelitis. JAMA 129:1146-1150.


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Prevention of infectious hepatitis with gamma globulin. JAMA 129:270-272.


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Ten years’ experience with BCG (experimental and clinical). Journal of Pediatrics 26:470-80.


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Prevention of pneumococcal pneumonia by immunization with specific capsular polysaccharides. Journal of Experimental Medicine 82:445-465.


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The surgical treatment of malformations of the heart: In which there is pulmonary stenosis or pulmonary atresia. JAMA 128:189-202.


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Effect of para-aminobenzoic acid in Tsutsugamushi disease. JAMA 131:280-5.


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Results of BCG vaccination in New York City. American Review of Tuberculosis 53:517-532.


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Experience with BCG vaccine in the control of tuberculosis among North American Indians. Public Health Reports 61:802-820.


Goodman LS, Wintrobe MM, Dameshek W, Goodman MJ, Gilman A and McLennan MT (1946)
Nitrogen mustard therapy. Use of methyl-bis(beta-chloroethyl)amine hydrochloride and tris(beta-chloroethyl)amine hydrochloride for Hodgkin's disease, lymphosarcoma, leukemia and certain allied and miscellaneous disorders. Journal of the American Medical Association 132:126-132.


Jellinek EM (1946)
Clinical tests on comparative effectiveness of analgesic drugs. Biometric Bulletin 2:87-91.


Hirsh HL, Rotman-Kavka, G, Dowling HF, Sweet LK (1947)
Penicillin therapy of scarlet fever: comparison with antitoxin and symptomatic therapy. JAMA 133:657-61.


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The use of penicillin lozenges in the treatment of Vincent’s infection and other acute gingival inflammations. Journal of the American Dental Association 34:406-409.


Bell JA (1948)
Pertussis immunization use of two doses of an alum-precipitated mixture of diphtheria toxoid and pertussis vaccine. JAMA 137:1276-1281.


Bakst H, Kissin M, Leibowitz S, Rinzler S (1948)
The effects of intravenous aminophylline on the capacity of effort without pain in patients with angina of effort. American Heart Journal 36:527-534.


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Report of the Committee for the Evaluation of Anticoagulants in the Treatment of Coronary Thrombosis with Myocardial Infarction. American Heart Journal 36:801-815.


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Evaluation of aids to muscle reeducation in the treatment of poliomyelitis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 30:141-147.


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Temporary remissions in acute leukaemia in children produced by folic acide antagonist, 4-aminopteroyl-glutamic acid (aminopterin). New England Journal of Medicine 238:787-793.


Bell JA (1948)
Diphtheria immunization use of an alum-precipitated mixture of pertussis vaccine and diphtheria toxoid. JAMA 137:1009-1016.


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Vaccination against influenza A. Lancet 251:978-982.


Bell JA (1948)
The epidemiological principles and procedures involved in a study of the prophylactic value of an alum-precipated mixture of diphtheria toxoid and pertussis vaccine. Thesis submitted to the School of Hygiene and Public Health of the Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Public Health.


Carliner PE, Radman HM, Gay LN (1949)
Treatment of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy with Dramamine – preliminary report. Science 110:215-216.


Travell J, Rinzler SH, Bakst H, Benjamin ZH, Bobb AL (1949)
Comparison of effects of alpha-tocopherol and matching placebo on chest pain in patients with heart disease. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 52:345-53.


Kaufman P (1949)
Pneumonia in old age: active immunization against pneumonia with pneumococcus polysaccharide results of a six your study. Archives of Internal Medicine 79:518-531.


Marshall EK (1949)
Clinical therapeutic trial of a new drug. Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital 85:221-230.


Appelbaum E, Nelson J, Albin MB (1949)
The treatment of penumococcic meningitis with penicillin; a study of 125 consecutive cases, with 73% recovery. American Journal of Medicial Science 218:260-4.


Greiner T, Gold H, Cattel M, Travell J, Bakst H, Rinzler SH, Benjamin ZH, Warshaw LJ, Bobb AL, Kwit NT, Modell W, Rothendler HH, Messeloff CR, Kramer ML (1950)
A method for the evaluation of the effects of drugs on cardiac pain in patients with angina of effort. American Journal of Medicine 9: 143 - 155.


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An experiment in the control of tuberculosis among negroes. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 28:180-220.


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Are statistics necessary? JAMA 143:1260-1261.


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A controlled investigation of streptomycin treatment in tuberculosis. Public Health Reports 65:1421-1451.


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Milk allergy: a survey of its incidence; experiments with a masked ingestion test. J Allergy 21:489-499.


Rinzler SH, Bakst H, Benjamin Z, Bobb AL, Travell J (1950)
Failure of alpha tocopherol to influence chest pain in patients with heart disease. Circulation 1:288-293.


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The clinical effectiveness of different concentrations of procaine for mandibular extractions. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology 4:383-387.


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Dramamine in nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Western Journal of Surgery 59: 216-234.


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The use of controls in medical research. JAMA 145:72-75.


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An experiment in the prevention of delinquency: the Cambridge-Somerville Youth Study. New York: Columbia University Press.


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