SORT author date clear filters


Glasziou P, Jones M, Clarke M (2024)
Setting new research in the context of previous research: some options. BMJ Evidence Based Medicine. 29(1):44-46


Turner KM, Huntley A, Yardley T, Dawson S, Dawson S (2024)
Defining usual care comparators when designing pragmatic trials of complex health interventions: a methodology review. Trials 25, 117.


Toews I, Anglemyer A, Nyirenda JL, Alsaid D, Balduzzi S, Grummich K, Schwingshackl L, Bero L (2024)
Healthcare outcomes assessed with observational study designs compared with those assessed in randomized trials: a meta-epidemiological study. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (1), MR000034.


Showell MG, Cole S, Clarke MJ, DeVito NJ, Farquhar C, Jordan V (2024)
Time to publication for results of clinical trials. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (11): MR000011


Laursen DRT, Nejstgaard CH, Bjørkedal E, Frost AD, Hansen MR, Paludan-Müller AS, Prosenz J, Werner CP, Hróbjartsson A. (2023)
Impact of active placebo controls on estimated drug effects in randomised trials: a systematic review of trials with both active placebo and standard placebo. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 3(3):MR000055.


Schoeler T, Speed D, Porcu E, Pirastu N, Pingault JB, Kutalik Z (2023)
Participation bias in the UK Biobank distorts genetic associations and downstream analyses. Nat Hum Behav. 2023 Jul;7(7):1216-1227. doi: 10.1038/s41562-023-01579-9.


Chesire F, Mugisha M, Ssenyonga R, Rose CJ, Nsangi A, Kaseje M, Sewankambo NK, Oxman M, Rosenbaum SE, Moberg J, Dahlgren A, Lewin S, Oxman AD (2023)
Effects of the Informed Health Choices secondary school intervention: A prospective meta-analysis. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine 16, 321-331.


Nørgaard B, Draborg E, Andreasen J, Juhl CB, Yost J, Brunnhuber K, Robinson KA, Lund H (2022)
Systematic reviews are rarely used to inform study design - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 145: 1-13.


Faltinsen E, Todorovac A, Staxen Bruun L, Hróbjartsson A, Gluud C, Kongerslev MT, Simonsen E, Storebø OJ (2022)
Control interventions in randomised trials among people with mental health disorders. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 4(4):MR000050.


Andreasen J, Nørgaard B, Juhl CB, Yost J, Brunnhuber K, Robinson KA, Lund H (2022)
Systematic reviews are rarely used to contextualise new results-a systematic review and meta-analysis of meta-research studies. Systematic Reviews 11(1) 189.


Hamel C, Michaud A. Thuku M, Skidmore B, Stevens A, Nussbaumer-Streit N, Garritty C (2021)
Defining Rapid Reviews: a systematic scoping review and thematic analysis of definitions and defining characteristics of rapid reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 129:74-85.


Pérez-Gaxiola G, Verdugo-Paiva F, Rada G, Flórez ID (2021)
Assessment of Duplicate Evidence in Systematic Reviews of Imaging Findings of Children With COVID-19. JAMA Network Open 4(1):e2032690.


D'Aquila RT, Hughes MD, Johnson VA, Fischl MA, Sommadossi JP, Liou SH, Timpone J, Myers M, Basgoz N, Niu M, Hirsch MS (2021)
Nevirapine, zidovudine, and didanosine compared with zidovudine and didanosine in patients with HIV-1 infection. A randomized, double- blind, placebo-controlled trial. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 241 Investigators. Annals of Internal Medicine 124:1019-1030.


McLennan S, Nussbaumer-Streit B, Hemkens LG, Briel M (2021)
Barriers and Facilitating Factors for Conducting Systematic Evidence Assessments in Academic Clinical Trials. JAMA Network Open. 4(11):e2136577. url: doi/org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.36577


Langendam MW, Magnuson K, Williams AR, Walker VR, Howdeshell KL, Rooney AA Hooijmans CR (2021)
Developing a database of systematic reviews of animal studies. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology Vol 123 (2021) 104940.


Menon JML, Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Pound P, van Oort E (2021)
The impact of conducting preclinical systematic reviews on researchers and their research: A mixed method case study. PLoS ONE 16(12): e0260619. ttps:// journal.pone.0260619.


Dirven H, Vist GE, Bandhakavi S, Mehta J, Fitch SE, Pound P, Ram R, Kincaid B, Leenaars CHC, Chen M, Wright RA, Tsaioun K (2021)
Performance of preclinical models in predicting drug-induced liver injury in humans: a systematic review. Sci Rep 11:6403. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-85708-2.


Hahn RA, Teutsch SM (2021)
Saving lives by modifying the process of science: Estimated historical mortality associated with the failure to conduct routine prospective cumulative systematic reviews. American Journal of Biomed Science and Research 14(6):531-534.


Bradley VC, Kuriwaki S, Isakov M, Sejdinovic D, Meng X, Flaxman S (2021)
Unrepresentative big surveys significantly overestimated US vaccine uptake. Nature 600, 695–700.


Coleman E, Arundel C, Clark L, Doherty L, Gillies K, Hewitt C, Innes K, Parker A, Torgerson D, Treweek S (2021)
Bah humbug! Association between sending Christmas cards to trial participants and trial retention: randomised study within a trial conducted simultaneously across eight host trials. BMJ 375, e067742.


Pound P, Ram R (2020)
Are researchers moving away from animal models as a result of poor clinical translation in the field of stroke? An analysis of opinion papers. BMJ Open Science 4:e100041. doi:10.1136/bmjos-2019-100041


Vollert J, Schenker E, Macleod M, Bespalov A, Wuerbel H, Michel M, Dirnagl U, Potschka H, Waldron AM, Wever K, Steckler T, van de Casteele T, Altevogt B, Sil A, Rice ASC, The EQIPD WP3 study group members (2020)
Systematic review of guidelines for internal validity in the design, conduct and analysis of preclinical biomedical experiments involving laboratory animals. BMJ Open Science 4:e100046. doi:10.1136/bmjos-2019-100046


Horby P, Lim WS, Emberson J, Mafham M, Bell J, Linsell L, Staplin N, Brightling C, Ustianowski A, Elmahi E, Prudon B, Green C, Felton T, Chadwick D, Rege K, Fegan C, Chappell LC, Faust SN, Jaki T, Jeffrey K, Montgomery A, Rowan K, Juszcak E, Baillie JK, Haynes R, Landray MJ, on behalf of the RECOVERY Collaborative Group (2020)
Effect of Dexamethasone in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: Preliminary Report. medRχiv. Doi:


Chalmers I, Abbasi K (2020)
Developing the collaboration between the James Lind Library and the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 113(7):266-9.


Horby P, Mafham M, Linsell L, Bell JL, Staplin N, Emberson JR, Wiselka M, Ustianowski A, Elmahi E, Prudon B, Whitehouse A, Felton T, Williams J, Faccenda J, Underwood J, Baillie JK, Chappell L, Faust SN, Jaki T, Jeffery K, Lim WS, Montgomery A, Rowan K, Tarning J, Watson JA, White NJ, Juszczak E, Haynes R, Landray MJ (2020)
Effect of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: Preliminary results from a multi-centre, randomized, controlled trial. doi:


RECOVERY Trial Team (2020)
Randomized Evaluation of COVID019 Therapy (RECOVERY). RECOVERY Central Coordinating Office, Oxford.


Pan H, Peto R, Karim QA, Alejandria M, Henao-Restrepo AM, García CH, Kieny MP, Malekzadeh R, Murthy S, Preziosi MP, Reddy S, Periago MR, Sathiyamoorthy V, Røttingen JA, Swaminathan S, WHO Solidarity trial consortium (2020)
Repurposed antiviral drugs for COVID-19 –interim WHO SOLIDARITY trial results. MedRxiv. doi:


Bradley SH, DeVito NJ, Lloyd KE, Richards GC, Rombey T, Wayant C, Gill PJ (2020)
Reducing bias and improving transparency in medical research: a critical overview of the problems, progress and suggested next steps. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 113:433-443.


Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Leenaars C, Beumer W, Roo TC, Stafleu F, Meijboom FLB (2020)
Improving Translation by Identifying Evidence for More Human-Relevant Preclinical Strategies. Animals 10, 1170; doi:10.3390/ani10071170


McCormack JP, Holmes DT (2020)
Your results may vary: the imprecision of medical measurements. BMJ 368:m149 doi: 10.1136/bmj.m149


Percie du Sert N, Hurst V, Ahluwalia A, Alam S, Avey MT, Baker M, Browne WJ, Clark A, Cuthill IC, Dirnagl U, Emerson M, Garner P, Holgate ST, Howells DW, Karp NA, Lazic SE, Lidster K, MacCallum CJ, Macleod M, Pearl EJ, Petersen OH, Rawle F, Reynolds P, Rooney K, Sena ES, Silberberg SD, Steckler T, Würbel H (2020)
The ARRIVE guidelines 2.0: Updated guidelines for reporting animal research. PLoS Biol 18(7): e3000410.


Pound P, Ritskes-Hoitinga M (2020)
Can prospective systematic reviews of animal studies improve clinical translation? J Transl Med 18:15.


Gao Y, Shi S, Li M, Luo X, Liu M, Yang K, Zhang J, Song F, Tian J (2020)
Statistical analyses and quality of individual participant data network meta-analyses were suboptimal: a cross-sectional study. BMC Medicine 18:120.


Naidoo N, Nguyen VT, Ravaud P, Young B, Amiel P, Schanté D, Clarke M, Boutron I (2020)
P, Young B, Amiel P, Schanté D, Clarke M, Boutron I (2020). The research burden of randomized controlled trial participation: a systematic thematic synthesis of qualitative evidence. BMC Medicine 18, 6.


Moustgaard H, Clayton GL, Jones HE, Boutron I, Jørgensen L, Laursen DRT, Olsen MF, Paludan-Müller A, Ravaud P, Savović J, Sterne JAC, Higgins JPT, Hróbjartsson A (2020)
Impact of blinding on estimated treatment effects in randomised clinical trials: meta-epidemiological study. BMJ 368, l6802.


Marshall IJ, Marshall R, Wallace BC, Brassey J, Thomas J (2019)
Rapid reviews may produce different results to systematic reviews: a meta-epidemiological study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 109:30-41.


Boutron I, Haneef R, Yavchitz A, Baron G, Novack J, Oransky I, Schwitzer G, Ravaud P (2019)
Three randomized controlled trials evaluating the impact of "spin" in health news stories reporting studies of pharmacologic treatments on patients'/caregivers' interpretation of treatment benefit. BMC Medicine 17;105:1330-1339.


Chalmers I, Atkinson P, Badenoch D, Glasziou P, Austvoll-Dahlgren A, Oxman A, Clarke M (2019)
The James Lind Initiative: books, websites and databases to promote critical thinking about treatment claims, 2003 to 2018. Research Involvement and Engagement 5:6.


Leenaars CHC, Kouwenaar C, Stafleu FR, Bleich A, Ritskes-Hoitinga M, de Vries RBM, Meijboom FLB (2019)
Animal to human translation: a systematic scoping review of reported concordance rates. J Transl Med 17:223.


Ritskes-Hoitinga M, van Luijk J (2019)
How can systematic reviews teach us more about the implementation of the 3Rs and animal welfare? Animals 9:1163.


Gurevitch J, Koricheva J, Nakagawa S, Stewart G (2018)
Meta-analysis and the science of research synthesis. Nature 555:175-182. 10.1038/nature25753.


Scherer RW, Meerpohl JJ, Pfeifer N, Schmucker C, Schwarzer G, von Elm E (2018)
Full publication of results initially presented in abstracts. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; (11): MR000005.


Ristl R, Urach S, Rosenkranz G, Posch M (2018)
Methods for the analysis of multiple endpoints in small populations: A review. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 29:1-29.


de Vries YA, Roest AM, de Jonge P, Cuijpers P, Munafò MR, Bastiaansen JA (2018)
The cumulative effect of reporting and citation biases on the apparent efficacy of treatments: the case of depression. Psychological Medicine 48:2453-2455.


Cohen D (2018)
Oxford TB vaccine study calls into question selective use of animal data. BMJ 360:j5845 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j5845


Hooijmans CR, de Vries RBM, Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Rovers MM, Leeflang MM, IntHout J, Wever KE, Hooft L, de Beer H, Kuijpers T, Macleod MR, Sena ES, ter Riet G, Morgan RL, Thayer KA, Rooney AA, Guyatt GH, Schünemann HJ, Langendam MW, GRADE Working Group (2018)
Facilitating healthcare decisions by assessing the certainty in the evidence from preclinical animal studies. PLoS One 13:e0187271. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187271.


Pound P, Nicol CJ (2018)
Retrospective harm benefit analysis of pre-clinical animal research for six treatment interventions. . PLoS ONE 13(3): e0193758. pone.0193758.


Pound P, Ritskes‑Hoitinga M (2018)
Is it possible to overcome issues of external validity in preclinical animal research? Why most animal models are bound to fail. J Transl Med 16:304


Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Wever K (2018)
Improving the conduct, reporting, and appraisal of animal research. BMJ 360:j4935 doi: 10.1136/bmj.j4935.


Wieschowski S, Chin WWL, Federico C, Sievers S, Kimmelman J, Strech D (2018)
Preclinical efficacy studies in investigator brochures: Do they enable risk-benefit assessment? PLoS Biol 16:e2004879.


Chalmers I (2017)
The evolution of fair tests of treatments over two millennia: a 23 minute audio commentary. Edited by Hamish Chalmers, using unbroadcast recordings made by Freakonomics Radio, with permission.


Chiu K, Grundy Q, Bero L (2017)
`Spin' in published biomedical literature: A methodological systematic review. PLoS Biol 15: e2002173.


Tudur Smith C, Marcucci M, Nolan SJ, Iorio A, Sudell M, Riley R, Rovers MM, Williamson PR (2016)
Individual participant data meta-analyses compared with meta-analyses based on aggregate data. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016, Issue 9. Art. No.: MR000007.DOI: 10.1002/14651858.MR000007.pub3.


Punja S, Xu D, Schmid CH, Hartling L, Urichuk L, Nikles CJ, Vohra S (2016)
N of 1 trials can be aggregated to generate group mean treatment effects: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 76:65-75.


Misemer BS, Platts-Mills TF, Jones CW (2016)
Citation bias favoring positive clinical trials of thrombolytics for acute ischemic stroke: a cross-sectional analysis. Trials 17:473.


Page MJ, Shamseer L, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J, Sampson M, Tricco AC, Catalá-López F, Li L, Reid EK, Sarkis-Onofre R, Moher D (2016)
Epidemiology and reporting characteristics of systematic reviews of biomedical research: a cross-sectional study. PLoS Medicine 13(5):e1002028.


Page MJ, Higgins JPT, Clayton G, Sterne JAC, Hróbjartsson A, Savović J (2016)
Empirical Evidence of Study Design Biases in Randomized Trials: Systematic Review of Meta-Epidemiological Studies. PLOS ONE 11(7):e0159267.


Yavchitz A, Ravaud P, Altman DG, Moher D, Hrobjartsson A, Lasserson T, Boutron I (2016)
A new classification of spin in systematic reviews and meta-analyses was developed and ranked according to the severity. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 75:56-65.


Ritskes-Hoitinga M (2016)
Public accountability lecture: World day for animals in laboratories.


Holman C, Piper SK, Grittner U, Diamantaras AA, Kimmelman J, Siegerink B, Dirnagl U (2016)
Where Have All the Rodents Gone? The Effects of Attrition in Experimental Research on Cancer and Stroke. PLoS Biol 14(1): e1002331. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002331.


Perlman RL (2016)
Mouse models of human disease: An evolutionary perspective. Evol Med Public Health 21:170-6. doi: 10.1093/emph/eow014.


Imberger G, Thorlund K, Gluud C, Wetterslev J (2016)
False-positive findings in Cochrane meta-analyses with and without application of trial sequential analysis: an empirical review. BMJ Open 6(8):e011890.


Farewell V, Johnson T (2016)
Major Greenwood (1880 – 1949): a biographical and bibliographical study. Statistics in Medicine 35(5):645-670.


Farewell V, Johnson T (2016)
Major Greenwood (1880 – 1949): the biography. Statistics in Medicine 35: 5533-5535.


Stockwell MS, CaCamargo S, Ramakrishnan R, Holleran S, Findley SE, Kukafka R, Hofstetter AM, Fernandez N, Vawdrey DK (2015)
Registry-linked electronic influenza vaccine provider reminders: a cluster-crossover trial. Pediatrics. 135:e75-82.


Altman DG (2015)
Making research articles fit for purpose: structured reporting of key methods and findings. Trials 16:53.


Emparanza JI, Cabello JB, Burls AJ. (2015)
Does evidence-based practice improve patient outcomes? An analysis of a natural experiment in a Spanish hospital. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 21:1059-1065.


Green SB (2015)
Can animal data translate to innovations necessary for a new era of patient-centred and individualised healthcare? Bias in preclinical animal research. BMC Medical Ethics 16:53. DOI 10.1186/s12910-015-0043-7.


Sackett DL (2015)
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Tricco AC, Antony J, Zarin W, Strifler L, Ghassemi M, Ivory J, Perrier L, Hutton B, Moher D, Straus SE (2015)
A scoping review of rapid review methods. BMC Medicine 13:224. BMC Medicine 13:224.


de Vries RBM, Hooijmans CR, Langendam MW, van Luijk J, Leenaars M, Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Wever KE (2015)
A protocol format for the preparation, registration and publication of systematic reviews of animal intervention studies. Evidence-based Preclinical Medicine 1, 1, 1–9, e00007, DOI: 10.1002/ebm2.7.


Begley CG, Ioannidis JPA (2015)
Reproducibility in Science; Improving the Standard for Basic and Preclinical Research. Circulation Research 116:116–126.


Henderson VC, Demko N, Hakala A, MacKinnon N, Federico CA, Fergusson D, Kimmelman J (2015)
A meta-analysis of threats to valid clinical inference in preclinical research of sunitinib. eLife 4:e08351. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.08351.


Simmonds M, Stewart G, Stewart L (2015)
A decade of individual participant data meta-analyses: A review of current practice. Contemporary Clinical Trials 45:76-83.


Abraha I, Cherubini A, Cozzolino F, De Florio R, Luchetta ML, Rimland JM, Folletti I, Marchesi M, Germani A, Orso M, Eusebi P, Montedori A (2015)
Deviation from intention to treat analysis in randomised trials and treatment effect estimates: meta-epidemiological study. BMJ 2015;350:h2445.


De Barra M, Erikson K, Strimling P (2014)
How feedback biases give ineffective medical treatments a good reputation. Journal of Medical Internet Research Res 16:e193. doi:10.2196/jmir.3214


Fretheim A, Zhang F, Ross-Degnan D, Oxman AD, Cheyne H, Foy R, Goodacre S, Herrin J, Kerse N, McKinlay RJ, Wright A, Soumerai SB (2014)
A reanalysis of cluster randomized trials showed interrupted time-series studies were valuable in health system evaluation. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 68:324-33.


Peers IS, South MC, Ceuppens PR, Bright JD, Pilling E (2014)
Can you trust your animal study data? Nature reviews. Drug discovery. 13. 10.1038/nrd4090-c1.


Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Kirkham J, Dwan K, Kramer S, Green S, Forbes A (2014)
Bias due to selective inclusion and reporting of outcomes and analyses in systematic reviews of randomised trials of healthcare interventions. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014;(10):MR000035.


Boutron I, Altman DG, Hopewell S, Vera-Badillo F, Tannock I, Ravaud P (2014)
Impact of Spin in the Abstracts of Articles Reporting Results of Randomized Controlled Trials in the Field of Cancer: The SPIIN Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 32:4120-4126.


Bafeta A, Trinquart L, Seror R, Ravaud P (2014)
Reporting of results from network meta-analyses: methodological systematic review. BMJ 348:g1741


Lee AW (2014)
Review of mixed treatment comparisons in published systematic reviews shows marked increase since 2009. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 67:138–43.


Hooijmans CR, IntHout J, Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Rovers MM (2014)
Meta-analyses of animal studies: an introduction of a valuable instrument to further improve healthcare. ILAR J. 55:418-26.


Ritskes-Hoitinga M, Leenaars M, Avey M, Rovers M, Scholten R (2014)
Systematic reviews of preclinical animal studies can make significant contributions to health care and more transparent translational medicine. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 3:ED000078.


Pound P, Bracken M (2014)
Is animal research sufficiently evidence based to be a cornerstone of biomedical research? BMJ 348:g3387 doi: 10.1136/bmj.g3387.


Sena ES, Currie GL, McCann SK, Macleod MR, Howells DW (2014)
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of preclinical studies: why perform them and how to appraise them critically. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 34:737-742. doi:10.1038/jcbfm.2014.28


Hirst JA, Howick J, Aronson JK, Roberts N, Perera R, Koshiaris C, Heneghan C (2014)
The need for randomization in animal trials: an overview of systematic reviews. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 6;9(6):e98856. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098856.


Mueller KF, Briel M, Strech D, Meerpohl JJ, Lang B, Motschall E, Gloy V, Lamontagne F, Bassler D (2014)
Dissemination bias in systematic reviews of animal research: a systematic review. PLoS One 9:e116016. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116016.


Farewell V, Johnson T (2014)
Major Greenwood’s Early Career and the First Departments of Medical Statistics. Statistics in Medicine 33: 2161 – 2173.


Clarke M, Hopewell S (2013)
Many reports of randomised trials still don’t begin or end with a systematic review of the relevant evidence. Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society 24: 145-8.


Hooijmans CR, Ritskes-Hoitinga M (2013)
Progress in Using Systematic Reviews of Animal Studies to Improve Translational Research. PLoS Med 10(7): e1001482. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001482.


De Vries RB, Hooijmans CR, Tillema A, Leenaars M, Ritskes-Hoitinga M (2013)
Letter to the editor. Updated version of the Embase search filter for animal studies. Laboratory Animals 48:88.


Leist M, Hartung T (2013)
Inflammatory findings on species extrapolations: humans are definitely. no 70-kg mice. Archives of Toxicology 87:563–567. doi: 10.1007/s00204-013-1038-0


Tsilidis KK, Panagiotou OA, Sena ES, Aretouli E, Evangelou E, Howells DW, Salman RA, Macleod MR, Ioannidis JPA (2013)
Evaluation of excess significance bias in animal studies of neurological diseases. PLoS Biol 11: e1001609. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001609.


Smith V, Clarke M, Devane D, Begley C, Shorter G, Maguire L (2013)
SWAT 1: what effects do site visits by the principal investigator have on recruitment in a multicentre randomized trial? Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 6(3), 136-137


Chalmers I, Atkinson P, Fenton M, Firkins L, Crowe S, Cowan K (2013)
Tackling treatment uncertainties together: the evolution of the James Lind Initiative, 2003-2013. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 106(12), 482-91.


Leenaars M, Hooijmans CR, van Veggel N, ter Riet G, Leeflang M, Hooft L, van der Wilt GJ, Tillema A, Ritskes-Hoitinga M (2012)
A step-by-step guide to systematically identify all relevant animal studies. Laboratory Animals 46:24-31.


Turner EH, Knoepflmacher D, Shapley L (2012)
Publication bias in antipsychotic trials: an analysis of efficacy comparing the published literature to the US Food and Drug Administration database. PLoS Med 9(3):e1001189.


Goldacre B (2012)
Bad Pharma: how drug companies mislead doctors and harm patients. London: Fourth Estate.


Martic-Kehl MI,Schibli R, Schubiger PA (2012)
Can animal data predict human outcome? Problems and pitfalls of translational animal research. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 39:1492–1496. 10.1007/s00259-012-2175-z


Begley CG, Ellis LM (2012)
Raise standards for preclinical cancer research. Nature 483:531.


Ioannidis JP (2012)
Extrapolating from animals to humans. Sci Transl Med 4(151):151ps15. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3004631. PMID: 22972841.


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Robinson KA, Goodman SN (2011)
A systematic examination of the citation of prior research in reports of randomized, controlled trials. Annals of Internal Medicine 154(1): 50-55.


De Vries RB, Hooijmans CR, Tillema A, Leenaars M, Ritskes-Hoitinga M (2011)
A search filter for increasing the retrieval of animal studies in Embase. Laboratory Animals 45:268-70.


Leenaars M, Ritske-Hoitinga M, Griffin G, Ormandy E. (2011)
Background to the Montréal Declaration on the Synthesis of Evidence to Advance the 3Rs Principles in Science, as Adopted by the 8th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, Montréal, Canada, on August 25, 2011. Altex Proceedings, 1/12, Proceedings of WC8.


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Believe it or not: how much can we rely on published data on potential drug targets? Nat Rev Drug Discov 10:712.


Korevaar DA, Hooft L, ter Riet G (2011)
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of preclinical studies: publication bias in laboratory animal experiments. Laboratory Animals 45: 225–230. DOI: 10.1258/la.2011.010121.


Clarke M, Loudon K (2011)
Effects on patients of their healthcare practitioner's or institution's participation in clinical trials: a systematic review. Trials 12:16.


Montedori A, Cherubini A, Bonacini MI, Casazza G, Luchetta ML, Duca P, Cozzolino F, Abraha I (2011)
Modified versus standard intention-to-treat reporting: Are there differences in methodological quality, sponsorship, and findings in randomised trials? A cross-sectional study. Trials 12:58.


Bastian H, Glasziou P, Chalmers I (2010)
Seventy-five trials and eleven systematic reviews a day: how will we ever keep up? PLoS Medicine 7:e1000326.


Clarke M, Hopewell S, Chalmers I (2010)
Clinical trials should begin and end with systematic reviews of relevant evidence: 12 years and waiting. Lancet 376: 20-1.


Hooijmans CR, Leenaars M, Ritskes-Hoitinga M (2010)
A gold standard publication checklist to improve the quality of animal studies, to fully integrate the Three Rs, and to make systematic reviews more feasible. Altern Lab Anim 38:167-82. doi: 10.1177/026119291003800208.


Sena ES, van der Worp HB, Bath PMW, Howells DW, Macleod MR (2010)
Publication bias in reports of animal Stroke studies leads to major overstatement of efficacy. PLoS Biol 8(3): e1000344. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000344


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