Haffkine WM, Costello CT (1905)

Report on a series of 110 cases of plague treated with Terni’s anti-plague serum. In: Bannerman WB, ed. Serum-therapy of plague in India. Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Medical and Sanitary Departments of the Government of India. Calcutta, India: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, pp 37-46.

Title page(s)


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Waldemar Mordecai Wolff Haffkine (1860-1930)

Other material(s)

Hawgood BJ (2007). Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine, CIE (1860-1930): prophylactic vaccination against cholera in bubonic plague in British India. Journal of Medical Biography 15:9-19.